Attack on a German train

Bazza/Union has invited his ‘foreign’ friendsround

Thought we’d pay homage to your dress sense.

Everyday now, this faith is ever so tolerant, it is a faith of peace…

I thought that you didn’t like to pre judge until you knew the full story…that’s what you were spouting the other day. Did you read the bit in this story where the prosecutor says he wants to quash rumours about the attack being about dress code? He’s saying he doesn’t know why the attack happened. It might because the attacker is a bad Muslim, or it could be something unrelated to his faith. But for someone who spent half the day recently going on about how they wait for evidence before judging people, your post just highlights your endless tirade against Muslims. Well, at least you’ve got some good company to keep now Paps dad has returned.


This is my thread for specualtion I thought, I’m quoting a National paper, you didn’t have to respond so eat a bun chubby one.

Do you think the Islam is tolerant to women who dress in bikini’s? Don’t answer its not, we in the West though are, the West I’ll add has many religions and our CULTURE is tolerant of women wearing what they like, and quite fucking right to.

Was Kelvin MacKenzie very tolerant to Fatima Manji?

Originally posted by @Barry-Sanchez

This is my thread for specualtion I thought, I’m quoting a National paper, you didn’t have to respond so eat a bun chubby one.

Do you think the Islam is tolerant to women who dress in bikini’s? Don’t answer its not, we in the West though are, the West I’ll add has many religions and our CULTURE is tolerant of women weariIng what they like, and quite fucking right to.

You’re not quoting a newspaper…you’re saying stuff about Islam being a religion of peace whilst posting a story that you think is about a Muslim man stabbing women for what they’re wearing…but it turns out that the prosecutor is saying no in knows the reason . And this isn’t your thread. You may have started it but that doesn’t mean you can post any old shit and not have people call you a tit. You’re a tit.

I don’t know whether it’s the weather or just old age but I’m genuinely tiring of your bollocks. It’s boring and its bullshit. You’re an islamaphobe at best and a racist at worst. Whatever, pap is well pleased we have freedom of speech. Keep it up Barry, you’ve bored the living shit out of me over the past week. I think I may need a few days off from this nonsense.


Many are Islamaphobes, Polly Toynbee for the Manchester Guardian for one, is it a tolerant religion, just answer the question?

He is a person not a faith, huge difference, is the Islamic faith tolerant, this isn’t individuals this is spoken and taught, is it tolerant?

Originally posted by @Fatso

Originally posted by @Barry-Sanchez

This is my thread for specualtion I thought, I’m quoting a National paper, you didn’t have to respond so eat a bun chubby one.

Do you think the Islam is tolerant to women who dress in bikini’s? Don’t answer its not, we in the West though are, the West I’ll add has many religions and our CULTURE is tolerant of women weariIng what they like, and quite fucking right to.

You’re not quoting a newspaper…you’re saying stuff about Islam being a religion of peace whilst posting a story that you think is about a Muslim man stabbing women for what they’re wearing…but it turns out that the prosecutor is saying no in knows the reason . And this isn’t your thread. You may have started it but that doesn’t mean you can post any old shit and not have people call you a tit. You’re a tit.

I don’t know whether it’s the weather or just old age but I’m genuinely tiring of your bollocks. It’s boring and its bullshit. You’re an islamaphobe at best and a racist at worst. Whatever, pap is well pleased we have freedom of speech. Keep it up Barry, you’ve bored the living shit out of me over the past week. I think I may need a few days off from this nonsense.

Understand the sentiment. The free speech thing is just how it is. You want to pile into anyone for their opinion, that’s your right.

FWIW, I think you’ve exercised that right here. No-one is going to take that post down. Perhaps we’ll actually get some more nuanced answers to the question Chertsey bluntly asked.

Barry, you’re free to continue doing whatever you want, me old skip, but I’d consider changing the record. You’ve had one poster start a thread on you earnestly asking, and not without justification, whether you’re an outright racist. I gave you the benefit of the doubt in the now deleted poll, but I am getting comfier with the idea of Islamophobe, which I reckon there’s plenty of evidence for.

I don’t blame you, not really. It has been a powerfully propagandised last couple of decades with some awful events to justify more awful events. I do think you’re wrong, attracting all the wrong kind of attention, or as we’re seeing on some of these threads, just people reaching the point where they can’t be arsed with you.

I’m not convinced your self-proclaimed victories are convincing. If people are switching off, then you can’t call them engaging either. I am convinced that no-one here is as scared of Muslims as you are.


To be fair, Pap, Bazza did change the record for a while at your previous request but his issues were clearly lurking in plain sight. Come back with a vengeance in the last week or two though.

I’d possibly be concerned about the reputation of this forum if it were to continue - at least 4 threads on the first page have been infected by Bazza’s shite to some extent. The casual visitor could arguably get the wrong idea about this place which would be a shame.


Very easy answer. Depends on who’s speaking or teaching it.

And you nor Fatso have answered

is it a tolerant religion/faith?

Fine, Bazza, but you don’t need to go on and on and on and on and on about it. It’s just fucking boring more than anything else.

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There has been a bit of a change of tone in a few of the dominant threads (I stopped looking at the Brexit thread for example).

I’m a relative newbie so don’t know if this is normal.

can’t wait for the season proper to start tbh…

Answer the question then and I’ll stop.

I agree. There are practical solutions to this that we can potentially implement. Other sites have a threshold whereby stuff that has been downvoted a lot automatically gets hidden. We could look at similar. People get freedom of speech, but are auto-hidden if their OP attracts a certain amount of downvotes.

Users can still click into it should they wish, but they know going in that it has been judged a load of shite.

Barry, from your perspective it’s an intolerant faith. To others it’s not.

Now shut the fuck up please!



Then the others are racist, homophobic and sexist, be proud.

What the fuck are you on about - are you responding to my post?

If so, then give it a rest - but I guess you like to get the last word. There you go left it wide open for you…