Barcelona - Are We Becoming Immune To Terrorism?

And it will be long after we’ve shuffled off this mortal coil Baz.

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They say their attacks are religious. I would tend to believe them. Ideologies based on faith rather than fact are prone to do stupid things.


Chutney will all liberal raging at a fact like that.

Dude, shut up mate :smile:

Saying it twice does not make it true. Religeous ideology is responsible for the acts taken by religeous fundamentalists in the name of their reglion. There are other causes too, of course, but any philosophy that relies on faith rather than fact will often lead to bad results because its proponents are not susceptible to pursuasion based upon evidence and reality.

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You finally agree with me about something and you don’t have the courtesy to up vote me.

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Red, I am not disagreeing with you in general, but was asking that if religious ideology is the driver, what changed in the last 50 years to bring about this radicalisation when it was not typical in any previous modern times? Which suggests other motives than ideology. As an atheist, I am not to keen on religious texts , especially given the way in which small snippets all written by folks with agendas at the time, can be interpreted to support whatever bollocks is being preached… so I am intrigued why those of faith were happy to ignore doctrine that told em to fuck up the infidels 40-50 years ago, yet now seem obliged to commit mass murder in its name… understanding the drivers of this radicalisation is critical to finding a solution that is not simply driving further division and distrust…

I agree. I’ve never been a fan of people displaying their personal life / views on transient platforms like facebook or twitter, as i find such actions to be more about self promotion, than anything else. I wouldn’t decry anyone doing it, but it’s not something I would do or support. I don’t doubt people are genuinely affected by the events and would suggest otherwise, before anyone gets the wrong end of the stick. So i would suggest using reaction on social media as a guide to gauge peoples opinions on such events to be flawed.

I was fortunate enough to be in Barcelona the previous week to the atrocity, staying in a hotel a mere 100m from where the van finally stopped. Las Ramblas had a constant armed presence at both ends of the street with frequent armed police driving up and down the road. Naturally the place was pretty much rammed with people throughout the days and evenings, so i can only begin to imagine how horrific the attack was. Shocking. We walked up and down there many times during the stay and I’m bloody glad I didn’t opt for the following week to visit.

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The words co exist,immigration, education, self segregation , clash of liberal open cultures and a conservative rigid one, religion, parallel lives, gay rights, women’s rights, 5 o’clock apartheid and tail wagging the dog spring is to mind.

Probably 40-50 years ago people had the desire just not the means. There’s always been religious wars in the world, but there has never been the means to take them more global.

Nowadays with the ease of travel, the ease of getting “weapons” and the knowledge of people it’s much easier to make your hate global!

Not so sure about the desiretehre BT. The 70s were still popular with terrorists, be they IRA or Black September or Baader Meinhof… but these did all have a single 'political grievence ’ that they felt justified their means - eg,if this chnaged we woudl stop.

Arab or islamic terrorism focused on the issues of Palestine/Israel - that mess which the world just ignored., Beruit was a jewell in the Med.

Now? Can anyone actually define what these terrosits want, what caused that shift in mentality? I repeat I dont think we have a scoob of a chance to resolve without really undrstanding the complexity of the drivers, that brought about where we are at today…dismissing it as just hate driven by relgious doctrine is not enough as that hate was IMHONOT always there, and its not there for the vast majority of muslims.

I thought the killing for belief began with the Iran Iraq war after the fall of the Shaa,

My history is not that great - but that is possible given that the ‘west’ chose sides in that one… yet then went with the then Mujaheddin against the Soviets… plenty of foreign policy and geo-political fuck ups for national interest - I wish I had a better perspective - Bitter Lake was good, but just revealed the hideous complexity of it all - much more than just ideology

I think immunity is the wrong word. I think “society” will start to lose patience.

It will start with the extremists and the frustrated. Those twonks on Twitter who post thier “Bomb xxxx” bile because they are not seeing the whole point.

Mosques have now been set on fire in Spain.

Europe has to be so VERY careful now, sure Germany got “cheap/almost slave” labour for their factories by opening their borders, but at what cost long term?

I said this a long long time ago, Germany only wanted to help the people as they needed 600,000 workers for the manufacturing industry and other jobs, they didn’t consider the Germans nor whether there could be integration into a Western society and so it always comes back to the question of integration or a refusal to do so due to cultural ideals.

One consistent we have seen dating back to the Iraq invasion - (and you can add Brexit and the rest) Politicians have a dumb fuck idea and have no actual PLAN.

I have an old business acquaintence who posts obnoxious David Icke type blogs that appear to be bile but actually deep of inside them he hits far too many easy home runs

And that’s why the liberal reaction is exactly that, you also have to ask equally what is the liberal agenda, what do they want and how will they try to accomplish it?
Is it an idealistic dream for the politically inept and students or something that is relevant.

It always come back to integration to you Barry. Most others can’t see a problem with economic migration. Without it there would be no USA (although that wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing). We clearly need economic migrants to help staff institutions like the NHS.

Skilled economic migration is great and I fully support it, the more the merrier, where have I ever said any different?
The NHS needs them and again the more the merrier until we train the people here, but what about the nations they leave behind?
The problem of that is huge.
I’m alright Jack attitude’s aren’t needed here SOG.

Still not sure what economic migration has got to do with becoming immune to terrorism Barry?