:brexit: Brexit - The Ramifications

Look @saint-or-sinner and @nottarf-krap . I have great respect for you as posters, but please consider the future.

You’re going to great lengths to deny the gravity of supply and demand. I just don’t want you saying anything so retroactively or bonewittingly stupid that you’ll be too embarrassed to come back and face the “I told you so’s”.

Like the Blairites.


Blair was my favourite ever President, and I’m still here!

Besides, I’m not sure the argument is so much against Supply vs Demand, more Scepticism that Brexit will result in the population drop / housing stock increase required to Create It, or if I’m reading things right, that vested interests & dark forces & slum lords like @chertsey-saint would not find a way to Prevent It.


Let’s not descend to Fiverweb levels Pap.


I am enjoying watching Pap argue with someone that is not me but at the same time I feel like someone has stolen my job/ugly bird. Get your own idiot nemesis guys, the games workshop one is with me!


He knows that, just can’t admit he made up a wish list, so is now clinging onto “let’s wait” knowing that eventually there will be an inevitable drop in prices and he can claim it as a victory for Brexshit.

The good news for @pap is that either this year or next, the stock markets are going to collapse(not Brexshits fault) and probably push house prices down, which he can try to claim it as a victory, whilst ignoring that the change in numbers of Eastern Europeans had no affect at all(might actually push prices up when the landlord has to spend money to lift it to Western standards, but don’t tell @pap he’s not interested in reality).


GCE /GCSE Economics

  • Supply and demand graph/ maybe even a simple formula

Real world

  • Multiple variables impacting on price and/or value includes supply and demand model as one of many

I am still stuggling with why anyone would use the simplification of a basic GCSE model to argueacase for wage inflation and rent reduction in the wake of Brexit… let alone that in the wage case the biggest driver of wage increases is actually skill demand, not reduced supply of low skilled labour…maybe its too much time spent with computers that everything in some minds must be binary.

I find these models most facinating when the opposite occurs - how when inflex of cheap labour leads to an eventual increase in wages… a result of increased competitiveness, increased internal competition leading to up skilling and this in turn leading to improved product and creating demand…

Point is the economists themselves have diiferent perspectives on this from both sides, but I gues we have ‘had enough of experts’ and just should base opinions on political rhetoric… and O level supply and demand models…


Maybe stick out your tongue and waggle you’re fingers in your ears as well?

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It’s not that Cobs. I’m not going out to offend, but that barely seems to matter in this day and age.

People’s _feelings _matter apparently. You’re not supposed to hurt them.

While I have a modicum of respect for that, if it gets in the way of espousing a view, I say “fuck the feelings” and then say what I Iike. Yours is not the first self-confessed statement of victimhood this week, and I genuinely won’t pander to it.

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“statement of victimhood”?

Thanks for telling me, I didn’t realise I was one.

I shall instruct my lawyers so expect a knock on the door from the rozzers. I’ll have this den of iniquity and thought crime shut down!

Now I know I’m a victim I shall do all I can to recover from this heinous hate crime and bond in solidarity with my fellow victims in what hopefully will be a healing process…probably dressed in black frocks or something


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Im not sure why you’re acting like this (like this means like a fucking tool)…whether it’s for attention or to generate traffic for your site or something else, but the other day you sounded exactly like Farage, complaining about foreigners speaking their native tongue and with this post you remind me of NRA chief cunt…us this the look you’re going for?


i suspect you think you’re being really clever by setting yourself up as a leftist/socialist/anarchist who also hates snowflakes and foreigners. No one tells you what to think! You’re a proper big boy able to come to your own decisions and thoughts…shame they make you look like a twat.

Oh, no offence meant.


Ooh…that’s livened up my evening a little.


The traffic one is interesting as pap has said when we argue the number of hits on the site go up. Let’s face it, my insults are box office and if porn hub has shown us anything it is that everyone likes to see a cunt take a pounding. It could be that pap is just playing the part of an absolute wank stain to make the forum a success.

Pap, straight up. Are you taking the wank stain bullet for the benefit of this forum?


It has, hasn’t it…

Gentlemen… not sure whether to laugh rather loudly or go take a nap. Now you know me, I like a good pap beating with the best of them and he is now on record as not being hurt by such verbal jousts, but I suspect that this is bollocks no matter what fake bravado is posted… we all got a soul dudes but we aint all soldiers - and I suspect Pap does care, sort of, but has backed himself in to the motherfucker of all corners, not on his Brexit choice, but on the arguments and tactics used to defend it… the result being no way out but to go all bastard on us…


I encourage lively debate, @fatso , so I welcome your feedback. I’d quibble with the editorialisation of my content, which basically amounts to assessing one candid, and prefaced as something I thought would be fairly controversial, but nevertheless, something that can be explained pretty easily without going the giant racist angle.

Mind you, you’d be perfectly justified under the law.

Thanks to our wonderful laws, we’ve locked more people up for _things they said _in the last few years that we did in the last hundred, including convictions for shit spouted on Twitter.

And the definition of racist these days is “anything perceived as racist”.

It’s an entirely subjective standard. It’s a legal standard.

You sir, are good to go.

I hear from the Sotonians pub collective that you’re a nice chap, Cobs, but I couldn’t let that post lie.

I don’t think there is any argument that I’m the most notorious Brexit supporter on this thread. There’d be little argument that I’d be the most ardent supporter of Corbyn either.

This is known, as you might hear on Game of Thrones.

So I predictably take a dim view of attempts of people to demand that I defend Brexit from the right. I have never supported it as a right leaning initiative, I’ve often summarised it as an exercise of Cameron’s hubris, May’s incompetence and Labour’s opportunity to change Britain.

Theresa May was _banking _on the anti-Corbyn, pro-Europe Parliamentary Labour Party opposing Article 50. If they had done so, her pre-scripted election, which was all about her ability as a Brexit negotiator, would have worked a charm.

“Labour have ignored your vote”, she’d say. And that really would have done it for most floating voters, the people you need to win elections.

I genuinely think people need to get their priorities straight, or at least organised. Brexit is not something you can stop without causing a constitutional crisis and the destruction of faith in British democracy.

A Labour government is something you could theoretically have in the next year. Re-joining the EU later is something you can campaign for. But not before we’ve had a proper go at what 17.4m people voted for.

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I guess it would be easier if everything was set by the “Pap standard”. Sorry about that, nothing to do with me, although to be honest, I’m quite glad we have an alternative.

You’re glad that subjectivity, which would include ignorance, has been enshrined as a legal standard?

Slippery slope, @fatso , but then I can tell you’re pre-occupied. We all know how important it is to invent motivations and stories about people you’ve never met or interacted with.

Who’d blame you if having a fucking clue about the world fell by the wayside?

Will that be the same completely naive clue about the world that tells you that supply and demand is the only variable influencing wage levels because it’s fits with your opinion, as opposed to seeking a broader and more realistic truth that maybe challenges your political rhetoric?

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Off topic I know, but you might want to recognise the common denominator in those that have ‘flaunced’ off this board… it seem to be arguments with you Pap. Now that may not bother you, but it bothers others that we watch as the posting styles of individuals just put people off - you might think it’s because they can’t handle the heat in your Kitchen, an arrogance that the cunt Gordon Ramsey would. Be proud of, but truth is folks leave because they just can’t be arsed…