
Lets all just come clean and say its going to fail, some will be sad many will be happy but this vanity project is dead.

Anyone care to pull thier head out of the sand and watch newsnight now? Merkel’s own party are outright rebelling. #nottheagendasowontcomment

Still noticing heads in the sands concerning the EU project and its immigration policy, Greece is in the firing line tonight, pull the borders in lads we’ll stitch them up…

Speculation and muck spreading and an awful lot of unclears which seems strange, the usual from the advocates of the evil empire. long live Han Solo and the republic.

An articulate and comprehensive rebuttal, I think we can all agree :lou_facepalm_2:

Pap thats no worse than a copy and paste of a sheet that simply says nothing at all, what did you want me to state after such broad specualtion and drivel?

You’re better than such lazy crap as that.

Anybody watching Newsnight?

So thirsty for a row.

Here is a genuine question.

I ask because anyone that speaks and reads English can conjure that the linked image contains some punts on various aspects of a Brexit. It comes from the group that did research on the issue. It was not intended to be an amusing meme in image form. It contains points that deserve a more robust response than your wave of a hand dismissal*.

* I only hope you did not spill a beverage at this point.


More thoughts, this time from HSBC:


Originally posted by @KRG

So thirsty for a row.

Did you watch it? Very amusing Nu Labour’s Flint get stitched up albeit by a Scot tory but was basically quiet as she knew the game was up, even advocates and people who worship at the altar of Brussels say now to defend themselves and their beliefs (and positions) they want reform and change, too late as they denied even a conversation about this 10 years ago, it wasn’t allowed.

No it was a lazy copy and paste to try and strengthen your argument on EU membership, all it did was muddy the waters.

Crap Pap and you resorting to meme’s of mild humour in an attempt prove it, the games up and the EU is crumbling, National interest will always supercede this project and so it has proven to be true.
Borders being thrown up, Schengen over and self interest taken over, lets admit it its human nature.
Nationalism and Patriotism never died in Europe we only hoped it would and we covered our ears and eyes to it as it didn’t fit in with our agenda.

From 6 years ago, she obviously didn’t learn her own lesson.

Cameron back with the crumbs.

Here are some interesting statistics about benefits and migrants but pertaining more to UK nationals claiming benefits in other EU countries.

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Completely skewed on the Irish stats as loads of Irish were born in England to Irish parents or parent in the 70’s and 80’s and moved back for various reasons, I worked in Cork and 3 lads were proudly Irish, disliked the English and were born in Bristol and London,

We claim so little for our population to others, thats the thing to look at, per capita who claims what, we won’t be anywhere near the top.

Interesting read and as I have said all along that National priorities take precedence over a European dream, quite right to, Merkel is arroganly trying to force her ideals on millions of people, quite correctly she is being toid to shove it up her flute.


It shouldn’t be a surprise that France isn’t keen on supporting a traditional European ally. I think we’ve discussed it before, but the country has lurched to the right of late, and in truth, the FN may well be entrenched in some substantive power already had the French authorities not dicked about with rules and boundaries to keep them out.

The Eastern european states are not a surprise either, so much of Merkel’s future is going to hinge on getting support from places like Netherlands, very Eurosceptic. It’s a tough spot which I’m not sure she’ll get out of.

So are they fascist like I apparently am for supporting National self interest and advocating democracy?

Oh how the wheels of the extreme left have fallen off, their European allies are fucking them off, shall we call them Petit Francais now?

As I said all along the EU experiment and social test will always fail as long as the Nations in it remain loyal first to their Country before this shite, its not rocket science its obvious, anyone questioning it was told they were a “little Englander” and insults were thrown meanwhile actual right wing parties were all over Europe (they didn’t want to see that as that didn’t fit into the plan and agenda), just laughable now oh how the worm has turned.

Even and its a big even if the EU survives this it will die eventually as I can’t see the Eastern Nations giving up their Nationality when they are so new, they are crazy Nationalists, again sweep under the carpet as it doesn’t fit in with the agenda.