Doctors vote to strike for first time in history of NHS

Originally posted by @Chertsey-Saint

it turned out it was about Saturday Premium Pay

Erm no, all the Doctors want is more patient safety in their contracts.

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Originally posted by @Chertsey-Saint

Originally posted by @pap

Cherts the Jeremy Hunt supporter.

Never let it be said that Tories don’t like minorities.

Woah, who said I support Hunt? I don’t support Hunt, the BMA or the doctors. I think they’ve all made mistakes.

Originally posted by @Chertsey-Saint

Woah, who said I support Hunt? I don’t support Hunt, the BMA or the doctors. I think they’ve all made mistakes.

This is going to sound patronising, but it can’t be helped.

This is an industrial dispute occurring between an employer that wants to enforce a new contract and employees that do not want to accept it.

The employer is the government, with the ultimate person in charge being Jeremy Hunt, the Health Secretary that has wanted to privatise the NHS for years.

The employees are doctors.

You don’t agree with the doctors’ strike, so I took that to mean that you’re in support of the other side of the dispute, with some justification.

Well I don’t. This has been a monumental fuck up from all sides.

  • The government for trying to do this on the cheap.

  • The BMA for walking away from discussions with only one of 16 points (Saturday Premium Pay) to be agreed.

  • The BMA for lying to their members and misrepresenting the contract.

  • The Junior Doctors for believing the BMA and not investigating the contract themselves to decide independently.

  • The government for trying to impose the contract anyway.

  • The Junior Doctors for now continuing to strike and putting lives at risk.

You’re wrong, Cherts.

We’re having the first ever strike in NHS history because of this government, the person they chose to take over the role, and their long term plans to destroy the only thing that almost all British people can agree on.

Have you seen a US medical bill? I reckon it’d wipe out most people on this site financially, particularly if something serious happens. Heaven forbid, but do you really want to be financially ruined if you or a loved one gets ill at some point in life?

Wake the fuck up, Cherts. The Tories have been trying to do one thing since 2010 with the NHS, which is to monetise poor health.

I love how the junior doctors are being characterised in some quarters as only caring about money. That would be the same Junior doctors who have chosen to work for the NHS in the first place when they could be earning a lot more elsewhere. It’s clearly not about money.


On a side note I really don’t understand why the Tories do this to themselves. You would think that politically this isn’t something worth pursuing, particularly because the public aren’t with them on this one. If they had just backed down a bit then no one would be that bothered and it wouldn’t be that damaging. Handing Labour headlines like first general NHS strike in history is just bizarre and whilst I’m not quite sold on some of the more outlandish scaremongering, I’m still struggling about what the long term aim is here.

The strikes are about money, because the BMA recommended that strikes take place when they couldn’t agree terms on the final point. Which was Saturday Premium Pay. If that had been agreed on January, then the BMA would have recommended the contract and it would have been signed.

The problem is that a lot of the Junior Doctor’s have just gone along with the BMA. I think if they hadn’t been misrepresented to then this whole thing would be very different.

Well, I disagree. What you have written above is shit, and we don’t want that to happen, but it’s irrelevant to the strikes.

The strikes are about money, because the BMA recommended that strikes take place when they couldn’t agree terms on the final point. Which was Saturday Premium Pay. If that had been agreed on January, then the BMA would have recommended the contract and it would have been signed. End of. Everything else is guff that you lot like to peddle to support the Junior Doctor’s as it has been proved time and time again that this is about money.

They spent years getting in, and have made themselves as, if not more hated, than they managed under Thatcher. This is despite a huge attempt to detoxify the “nasty” image of the party.

There isn’t a long term government aim. There are plenty of long term personal aims. People will get rich, and I daresay we’ll see members of this government on the boards of private health firms once they’re out of office.

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I think there is some truth in that. It’s annoying that they are putting such importance on this nebulous 24 hour NHS idea when in reality no one really voted for that. Was there a groundswell of opinion about weekend deaths in hospital? If so I never heard anything and the report has subsequently been discredited. Rather like Gove, Truss and the schools and nurseries, it seems that one person is introducing ideologically driven policy with no actual experience of the job and ignoring those who actually do the job in order to force through their change. I could understand if some of these people had a wealth of experience in the area they were responsible for but it’s really no way to run a country.

The 24 hour NHS already exists. Even today, when nearly all junior doctors are on strike, it exists.

It’s just been bollocks from first to last, only palatable to those used to the taste of Tory ballsack in their mouths*

*Unfortunately there are plenty of the swine.

Fucking Hell Pap, the Morning Star? If you go any further left for a soundbite, you’ll fall of the edge of the world.

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Yes yes, I know these ideas scare you.

My only complaint about the Morning Star is that it’s a bit thin for the money. They were the only pro-Corbyn publication in the run up to the Labour leadership party and it is funded by its members.

It’s the papers owned by oligarchs you gotta worry about.

I’m not scared by it one iota, however “balance” is not exactly a word I would ascribe to it.

I thought they’d be anti Corbyn considering he uses taxpayers money to obtain his copies…

Originally posted by @CB-Saint

I’m not scared by it one iota, however “balance” is not exactly a word I would ascribe to it.

Nor me. But then that’s true of every paper. Even the Independent told people how to vote the last time out.

The nice thing about the Morning Star is that it doesn’t pretend to be balanced.

Is it time to send in the riot police to baton the junior doctors?

That’s the traditional way to break a strike.

I know people in the NHS and from the facts, I can assure you, this government wants to break the NHS and promote private healthcare.

It’s about greed.

The End.

It’s as clear as the fact that Jeremy Hunt has a spelling mistake - and if anyone dismisses that this is the plan, it will tell me nothing about the debate but everything I need to know about them.

Interesting results