Does the Class System still exist in the U.K.?

Am I missing something here, what have the Royals influenced?

Do the bloody googling yourself. I don’t get the same sort of remuneration they or other search engine get.


But YOU said they “are still ruling us now.”

If you think the Normans are Royal you are inbred and need a blood transfusion of oil and goats cheese. Just read some fucking books, you have the time and obviously the energy.

The knowledge of history is fucking shocking on this site, get it together,

That’s a very sweeping statement Baz. Ask me anything you like about crop rotation in the 14th century.


They used a carrot in August and a Potato in May.

Who shoved a potato up Teresa?

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The DUP.


What on earth are you talking about?

Potatoes arrived in the UK in late 1500s… god does no one know about History on here! Barry why tell us we should read books when you don’t go and Google easily found articles on a topic you asked for details on? Most peculiar sort you are.


Dry humour is in short supply as well,…It must be a liberal thing.

They shoved a potato up Teresa with out the use of Vaseline?

must be a conservative thing.

Talking of reading books ( @barry-sanchez , I’m looking at you), class struggle simply boils down to possession (or lack of possession) of capital and willingness and ability to sell labour. Capital can constitute both financial capital and social capital (upbringing, networks, privilege, education, etc.). So while there is disparity in capital and freedom of labour, there will be class struggle.

Marx 101

Class struggle is a fight for fairness and equality.

Bazza 101

::rolls eyes::

Lack of fairness and inequality are the result of uneven distribution of capital and exploitation of labour.


One of the biggest problems is that successive governments have legislated to embed both into the system. I’ve always had a problem with fairness as in the way politicians use it in the abstract. It varies wildly depending on which politician is providing the definition. Cameron waged his war on the welfare state by asking whether it was fair that unemployed families received more in state benefit than the average wage of £26K.

It’s the Tories in one policy. “Work must pay” implemented not by raising wages, but by cutting benefits, never mind the consequences for those who are living on even less.

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What I seem to get from here is that most want free market socialism.

Am I wide of the mark?

If so explain how it works

if not

explain how it doesn’t work

You have 1 hour, no access to the internet or phones to call a friend or political representative.


Free market socialism? You mean like the Swedes and Danish have? Yep, that would do me fine.

They achieve it through higher taxes but it’s also fairly well embedded into the culture such that those who earn relatively high wages are prepared to accept that they will have a commensurately higher tax burden.


Thank you @bathsaint

Thought I was the only one