Elite firms 'exclude bright working class'

Originally posted by @Chertsey-Saint

So surely those that are getting these jobs are working class that went to private school…

"If you called your dad, he could stop it all"

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Phil, that makes me feel very sad. I don’t think that’s true…


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Life, innit.

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Yes, it is life. We live in a world of huge inequality, both of wealth and opportunity. That doesn’t mean that it has to stay that way. This is where we need new member Revoultion Saint to kick in. I shall follow him if he leads me to the promised land.

There is a theory that says that the elite of each country work together to maintain their power at the expense of the masses. It’s not a rich world vs poor world pattern of exploitation that many imagine, but that even within the poorest countries there is an elite that work alongside the elite families in the west to manipulate the working class to keep them in a position of subordination. We are unable to break these constraints placed upon us because we are never part of the discussion or even aware that it is taking place most of the time.

Originally posted by @Chertsey-Saint

Originally posted by @Coxford_lou

Originally posted by @PhilippineSaint

Life is not fair but most people have a crack of the whip at it. I am now old enough to know that life will shit on you if you let it. Boss’s will shit on you if you let them. subordinates will shit on you and stab you in the back. but like a duck in water let it all roll off and shit on as many of them as possible because it will make you feel better.

Phil, that makes me feel very sad. I don’t think that’s true…

Life, innit.


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Well given Papster from the Flower Roads has got his daughters applying for Oxbridge, I think there’s reason to believe the status quo can be changed. Just takes people to stand up and say it’s wrong, rather be than passively fatalist. Doesn’t need a revolution to do it, just a few generations.

Hope you don’t mind me using you as an example, Pap.

Papa daughter going to Oxford or Cambridge is not going to change a thing other than maybe her life. She can go to those universities but she will never be accepted as part of the elite. These people know each other from the social circles, from the independent schools they went to and so on. She is an interloper in their world and it may mean that she does well, but it won’t change society. These people aren’t daft. They knkw they have to give the normal folks some hope because people without hope become dangerous. They become the next suicide bombers and terrorists. We are thrown little snippets of meaningless hope through the allocation of places on courses which will be dominated by the same wealthy families. That’s not defeatist, that’s how it is. If we want things to change then sending our sons and daughters to be the token poor person at these places is not the way to do it. There are some more fundamental changes that are needed.


I like the cut of your jib, Fatso.

FWIW, I’ve just finished teaching 2 kids - one of whom will be off to Oxford and one off to Cambridge (results pending). Not bad for a bog standard comp. Both proper little ‘lefties’ too.


If there are any kiddies out there reading this - it’s bullshit. This is not how to lead a life.


I don’t mind being used as an example, but it’s inaccurate to say that the girls have applied for Oxbridge. They’ve just sauntered off to posh schools in Liverpool to do taster classes and lectures, etc. First one wasn’t interested at all. The second one was considering it, but she’s going cold on the idea too. A small part of me hopes she’ll reconsider, but if she doesn’t, it’s no biggie. Higher education carries enough fresh ordeals as it is. I can understand if she doesn’t want to add impenetrable cliques to the equation.

I think your point about social mobility taking a few generations thing is depressingly spot on. I suppose the thing that really narks me is that it doesn’t need to be so difficult, and by placing these artificial financial and indirect social constraints on the people that get to be educated, or even the idea that education is a good idea, just seems like a colossal waste of potential to me.

I don’t disagree with most of that, which is why I posted the link in the first place. Members of my family have experienced first hand industries where you don’t succeed for this very reason. I’ve seen a lot of incredibly untalented people in my industry who succeed because of connections/accent/confidence/bullshit, it makes me laugh! Whereas a lot of the genuine talent I see, comes from people with unusual backgrounds, and not cookie cutter. The deafitist/ fatalistic comment was more referencing Chertsey and Phil. But I do think people can make change over generations…just might take a lot of generations, and a lot more outrage to get there.

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Don’t forget, the public just voted the Tories back in. Nothing is changing soon, Lou.

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And, oh my God, the amount of people who do fake working class accents in the advertising industry…how they can look at themselves in the mirror each morning, I don’t know.

Awight darlin’!

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Well, yeah there’s that. Although I still blame Labour first and foremost for that.

Originally posted by @Fatso

Awight darlin’!

Exactly! You can spot a fake a mile off when you come from Coxford.

Hmm…I blame the people that hold the true power for manipulating the masses into thinking the Tories are the answer and that Labour caused the last global recession.


Yeah, well there’s that. I just prefer blaming my team, cos at least I can do something about it!

You’re blaming Saints for the Tory victory? Seems a bit harsh. If I had to single out one player to blame for political and social ills it would be Matt Targett. I’m not including Osvaldo as he was out on loan all season.

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