Fat Club 2017 - the new batch

Originally posted by @areloa-grandee

Originally posted by @CB-Saint

Originally posted by @areloa-grandee

OK … so far we have:

FatcuntFerret - 108kg - target 80kg by Dec 2017, 90 by August - already on the dried fruit and nuts and fucking miserable - but no alcohol in week is going well and will make a big difference. First milestone is 104kg by end of January. I joke, but need to sort for health reasons - Weight balooned when I stopped smoking and despite the cycling efforts, have really struggled to shift it as have been guilty of snacking and too much wine with meals…

SFCsim - 93kg - target 82 by summer

CBSaint - 95kg - target 89kg

Rally 94kg - target 90kg in one month

We will work on MONTHLY milestones and thus its about how you do against monthly target.

Any more takers?

Jeez Ferret, are you going to cut off both legs?

Just my cock…

Well, as they say, look after the oz’s and the lb’s will look after themselves.


Although Bletch dear boy, its just like Thatcher getting rid of the unemployed… :lou_sad:


OK Fat folks - here is alist of starting Weights - Please can those participating in the public humiliation confirm your first month target. Goodluck chubsters!

Name Starting Weight Target weight Feb1 Target Difficulty rating

Rallyboy 94kg 90kg 90kg 1.5

SFCsim 93Kg 82Kg TBC

CB Saint 95Kg 89Kg 100Kg* 1.00

Btripz 102kg 80Kg 98Kg 1.35

FatFerret 108kg :lou_surprised: 80kg 104kg 1.35

Allowance for excessive Apres Ski

OK, lets go with 102kg as a starting weight, target weight 80kg and I want to be 98kg by the end of this month…

Ok given that I am about to go skiing, my 1 Feb target weight is 100Kgs

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Pivotal to the success of my challenge will be surviving a playing comeback tonight after three months out injured.

And not eating a load of shit afterwards.

Fuck michael mosely. I was doing hiit years ago before doctor bandwagon jumper decided to financially milk it :wink:. I finally convinced Bletch that his way was archaic (he’s 50) and he embraced it. I made him basically.

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You have a very great deal to answer for.


RC - so, if you built him, did you also programme in his goddam awful dress sense & very dubious choice of beer?


Gents I can only offer apologies. That said most of his clothes came free with the beer. I had no dealings in that.


And now my fucking scales have broken - they refuse to budge even though I have lost weight.

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That means you have lost to much and should start eating and drinking heavily

ah yes, the Bletch Diet - though if I’m tight on making my target I might have to do like the boxers do at the weigh-ins and slip out of my 1960s flowery blouse.


For purely motivational purposes I just wondered how life was going for the shameful fat swine amongst you? Any progress from behind the flabby walls of shame? Surely someone is making good progress…

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It’s time Gentlemen… Post your results and I will do the points for Jan… Very simply your score is the percentage if your target achieved multiplied by the difficulty rating… Illustrative examples: . Losing 1kg against a target of 1kg (100%) would have a 0.1 difficulty… Scoring 10 points

losing 4kg against a target of 4kg, (100%) would have a difficulty of 1.35 and so score 135 points

_…and points make prizes! _

Post results today

Fat Fereet average lost has been 2.6kg with current average at 105.4kg… Not hit target , but not hideous either

Unfortunately I was on leave at the start of the month, but I’ve lost a stone…

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I think I’m the same, but don’t know. The cycling has gone off track, because of illness. Still have an inner ear infection, but hoping to cycle on Friday… getting behind now!

It’s not going well - I need to waddle down to the weighbridge at Botley to see what’s happening…I’ll get back to you.