Favourite Papsweb 2015 moments

Upvoted for pure feistiness, but if you’re on an internet forum, you have the time :lou_sunglasses:

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The Guardian have been know to use that expression on occasion, something I always found amusing. If The Sun used that word there would be an uproar but in The Guardian it barely caused a raised eyebrow. The Sun can publish bare boobs all day long and that is what we expect of The Sun but if The Guardian ever started to publish Page 3 girls can you imagine the outcry!

If that is the case, i think that’s a little odd of hypo.

He always comes across as a complete minge.

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Tis a weird word which is interpreted differently in different parts of the world. I believe we southerners are comfiest with the word. In many other parts of the world, including Liverpool, it’s still a shocking word to hear out loud.

I explain to bemused northerners that down here, it’s not just a noun, and said with the right inflection, is one of the highest forms of southern blokey respect .

e.g. “you went arse to mouth and made her chew the sweet corn? You caaaaaahnt.”*


* Flower Estate by law #346: all stories about bum love must involve sweet corn.


He claims it winds him up. I guess a lifetime of hearing it attributed to him out loud, on forums and from his mum takes its toll.


I just pissed myself… Maybe a little discouteous and undignified of me (as someone so well mannered) but this was fucking funny :lou_lol:


I forgot about this place. I’ve just started posting again on theugly, and already been branded as another login of someone else.

Think I’ll leave it again and spend some more time here, where people have less of a penchant for twattery.


Oh yeah - who are you really?

Dune would be my guess.

Are you Buggalugs over there? I can’t be as much of a bastard to people on here as I used to be elsewhere. The UI is a great outlet for that :slight_smile:


This can be arranged subject to formal request direct to papsweb towers head office. Plenty of twats up there, especially their butler


As long as no-one accuses me of being another login of someone else, I’m happy here.

It’s a different breed of twat anyway, no one has reached the summit of nobs like StuRomseyBoris_Saint has.

Originally posted by @saintbletch

Oh yeah - who are you really?

Dune would be my guess.

Ol’ dune is getting close to being a universal constant on forums. In a world of constant and tumultuous change, he is still doing the following:-

  1. “I hate Liverpool” threads
  2. “I have a question that I could easily Google, possibly even know the answer to, but have decided to ask it on football forum instead” threads
  3. Getting upset when you remind people that his first name isn’t far off being Tarquin.
  4. Remaining upset when you speculate that this explains a lot.

Great troll; truly one of the best. I’d advise anyone to check out his work if you’ve not seen it for a bit.

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Thought he was less of a twat and more of a fully fledged cunt? Or am i mistaking him for someone else, in which case I must apologise to the dear boy for besmirching his honour and good name

Halo’s Our Tune Resurrection thread was one of my early favourites. Just read back through some of the posts and got very nostalgic.

I also realise that I owe another update on what happened between Kim and me after I twattishly shunned * her at the school disco.

Will fix that later when I get a mo.

* Fatso, that reads shunned and NOT shunted.

Twat, Cunt, Spade face, Facist sphincter-mouthed sandwank, call him all these names and more, for they all apply.

Originally posted by @Morris-Chutney—Lawyer


Ah okay, I’ve seen some of your posts, but yes, they are obsessed with multi-posting, secret accounts and whatnot. It’s even more meta than this place.

Your anger will lead to the dark side… but dont hold back on my account.

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Originally posted by @areloa-grandee

Thought he was less of a twat and more of a fully fledged cunt? Or am i mistaking him for someone else, in which case I must apologise to the dear boy for besmirching his honour and good name

Meh, they’re all cartoon characters. If you know what they are. it’s very difficult to get upset about the stuff they do. It’s all a wind-up, all about snaring the unwary fish onto the end of the hook. If you’re bothered, they’ll tie you up in knots all day. If you’re not, they just can’t win (or operate, for that matter).

I joined that site after Turks started a thread on me and buctootim over at the UI. Had all sorts of personal attacks launched my way concerning skin pigmentation, sexual orientation, libido and anything else they thought’d bother me. I not only fessed to any charge they laid on me, true or not, I even upgraded a couple of them to make them funnier. There wasn’t really anywhere to go for them after that point. Turks is most definitely not undefeated on mongboards :slight_smile:

Thing is, though we’ve all moaned about things that competent trolls get up to, they do perform a couple of vital functions in forums. First, they prevent the place from becoming an echo chamber. Second, the stupid crap they come out with may provoke someone into posting something sensible. Love them for what they are :slight_smile:


Originally posted by @pap

Originally posted by @areloa-grandee

Thought he was less of a twat and more of a fully fledged cunt? Or am i mistaking him for someone else, in which case I must apologise to the dear boy for besmirching his honour and good name

Meh, they’re all cartoon characters. If you know what they are. it’s very difficult to get upset about the stuff they do. It’s all a wind-up, all about snaring the unwary fish onto the end of the hook. If you’re bothered, they’ll tie you up in knots all day. If you’re not, they just can’t win (or operate, for that matter).

Oh most definitely, I’m not upset or angry about things there. The whole place just seems built on a foundation of trolls, it just has a very weird setup.