Free speech is good, but

Depends how often you punch him. And how hard.


It’s pointless engaging with someone who will swear that black is white just to gain attention.

And it’s not freedom of speech if it drives people away from threads and makes the forum look like a Twatfest.


The problem, if indeed it is one, is that the software that runs this place does not allow for “sub-forums” so, unless you explicitly click on a category, you get the latest and greatest from all categories on the front page!

All the people are replying to Bazzer’s myopic (??) views so those catgories get to the top.

Easy solution is to downvote Baz (who I would probably like in RL) and not respond!!

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We’ve got sub-forums. It’s just a display choice to show the latest topics. I did offer to make the front page a little more forum-y, but got knocked back.


The front page is fine - Maybe it just needs a reduction in the fuckwittery going on in some of the threads?

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Originally posted by @Rallyboy

It’s pointless engaging with someone who will swear that black is white just to gain attention.

And it’s not freedom of speech if it drives people away from threads and makes the forum look like a Twatfest.

I am ok with frm looking like twatfest tbh.

I am ok with Barry contributions too. There is sometimes underlying truths in his retardation. I mean, Musloids prob do have a general problem with homophobias + misogyny. That’s prob fair. He takes it too far cos he makes it demonisation & blanket condemns billions of people with same brush, & gets a bit relentless & one-note, but i think other bros are disingenuous in the arguments too.


I see internet forums as an extension of pubs without the booze and darts. There will always be conversations/arguments about the latest topics with the occasional tangent and leftfield topic thrown in for good measure. Strangely there isnt a lot of football banter in my local as there are few villagers into football so we have mostly the lastest on ISIS, the EU or whatever is in the news headlines that day to contend with, which for those few of us who do like football can be a bit boring. The threads are generated by what motivates people on here in the main. Those that dont interest people soon fade whereas those that do continue to grow to the point where the arguments become circular and the bickering starts. It is the natural order of things. Any threads regarding politics or religion will, by their very nature, tend to be a bit “lively” and for those without firm convictions also probably get very boring very quickly. The best things about discussion either here or in the boozer though is that they tend to be organic and will ebb and flow depending on the amount of interest in that topic around the table at any given time. If you find little of interest on a regular basis you are probably on the wrong forum or in the wrong pub!


Every pub has a dull bloke sitting in the corner with half a pint and a packet of pork scratchings.

You can say hello to him and be pleasant, but he’d get annoying if he ran around interrupting everyone’s conversations, loudly demanding to be heard even when he has nothing constructive or relevant to say.


Originally posted by @Rallyboy

Every pub has a dull bloke sitting in the corner with half a pint and a packet of pork scratchings.

You can say hello to him and be pleasant, but he’d get annoying if he ran around interrupting everyone’s conversations, loudly demanding to be heard even when he has nothing constructive or relevant to say.

So you’ve met me in my local then? :lou_wink:

We all have our points of view on all of the main topics, probably mostly entrenched. I wonder if anyone has ever had their mind changed on a subject down to another person’s POV on an internet forum?

By the sound of it you wouldn’t be having the pork scratchings…

Whoa! Not an anti-semetic comment there was it?

No a joke and you obviously don’t know muslims don’t eat pork either.

Isn’t part of a forum to be open-minded and willing to be educated on subjects you don’t know about?

I knew nothing about our new manager so I was interested in what people could tell me, so I listened rather than launching into a tirade with my ignorant opinion on how he coaches.

I know little about the inner workings of the Labour Party, but there is a thread that offers an insight into both sides of that argument so I’ve learned a bit about the subject, and posters too…

If people don’t know about a subject they can learn a bit - or they can aggressively insist they are an expert in every field, charging around the forum like a mincing rhino, shouting _look at me, look at me. _


I resent that minicng gay innuendo.

Jesus, this is tedious. With the oft used pub analogy…you can escape from the pub bore by moving to the other side of the bar. Or threatening to glass him if he doesn’t shut the fuck up. This is the equivalent to being locked in a piss soaked cubicle and force-fed shit coke.

My nostrils are bleeding. Let me out.

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Sorry to use the pub analogy again, but you can always go to another pub.

It was nice of the man to change the title of the thread from is Barry a massive nazi to free speech is good unless is it Barry. The answer to both is the same though.

Yep. That’s certainly the easiest option. Guess it depends on what kind of pub the landlord wants though, right?

Yeah but as you (mistakingly) engaged him in conversation in the first place he’ll, more than likely, follow you to the new place!

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Originally posted by @Barry-Sanchez

I resent that minicng gay innuendo.

Why? Because you’re a homophobe, or because you feel that not all gays mince and thus should not be tarred with the same brush?

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