Free the Guested 1

Anyone got a virtual baseball glove and ball we can send him?

Steve Grant will be able to make one up easily if it is web related. It will cost you though.

I am not saying Pap is not taking this well, but he has just made a bid to buy Lucille from Negan.

He will have bletch walking around with it dishing out christmas guestings before the day is out!

Should I bake a virtual cake and put a virtual file in it for Cherts? Once heā€™s filed through the virtual bars of his virtual prison heā€™ll be a free man once again. Vitrually.


Iā€™ve taken an old wooden gym horse out in the garden and Iā€™m wandering around casually dropping earth via my trouser legs.

Well I think itā€™s earth.

I am sure if Cherts were to come here as a guest he would like this.


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We need Goatboy to make a badge, quickā€¦

I would have loved to have released Cherts last night. Wasnā€™t convinced it would be a good idea after an initial chat. bletch is in negotiations today.

I am sure he is.


What rules did he break and where were these rules stated?

He has been given an IPP sentence

The reality is that the vast majority of IPP prisoners and lifers will still be in prison long after the tariff period has expired either because they are waiting to complete behavioural programmes, or because they have misbehaved in prison, or because they are simply unable to persuade the Parole Board that they have changed. Even if offenders are able to secure their release, they can be returned to prison at a momentā€™s notice if they reoffend or breach the conditions of their licence. And, unlike in the case of an ordinary determinate or extended sentence prisoner, those serving IPP or life will usually have this prospect hanging over them indefinitely. A single ā€˜mistakeā€™ can result in the offender serving many years more than the tariff imposed on them and the Parole Board is not obliged to have any regard to the length of the tariff at that stage. Unless the Parole Board is satisfied that the risk that the offender poses to ā€˜life and limbā€™ is less than minimal, then the IPP or life-sentenced prisoner is liable to be detained without limitation of time: hardly the mark of the ā€˜softā€™ system in which we are said to operate.


Seriously, what the fuck is a guesting anyway?

Does this mean he is no longer invited to the orgie?

When Lou was guested, she could read people saying she only brushes her teeth fortnightly, but she couldnā€™t dispute the fact publicly. She could send you pmā€™s to clarify the issue, but we donā€™t open her pmā€™s at work cos you never know what ur gonna get.

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We demand public enquiry! Private negotiations with beltch are no use to me! Whereā€™s the fun in that?



What rules did he break and where were these rules stated?

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Probably just be an order for fries in your case.


Mob rule!!!

Trial by combat.

Ducking stools

There are plenty of ways to prove innocence rather that fanny about with negotiations

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