Grooming Tips

Thought all the presenters had deals with Nivea*

* Other male and female grooming products are available

Have we signed Vienetta yet :slight_frown:

Someone thought I was in my late 20s yesterday so my lack of regime has paid off. Simple soap and occasional moisturizer is all you need guys (and the youthful genes).

Yes yes the woman in question may need glasses but i am taking this compliment.


The other day, a woman thought I was Roger Waters
he’s 73. :lou_sad:

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Someone swapped my body for that of some middle aged bloke.

They’ve got my fit, slim, and youthfully handsome body.

I’m reminded of this every morning I look in the mirror.



Bonce - Head and shoulders 2in1, original flavour not fruity kind.

Face - tends to get washed by the shampoo that runs down my face, can dry my face out a bit but a bit of vaseline total moisture tends to sort that out and the missus likes the smell, softens up the beard too (my beard not the missus’).

Teeth - manual toothbrush (medium to firm) with any toothpaste and any mouthwash, floss when I can be bothered.

Body - Any shower gel that is on offer in pound shops, tend to get a lot of ‘source’ stuff in there so go for that a lot, I too like my balls being all tingly. Boots used to stock some nice shower gel by a company called ‘fish’, the blue one made me smell like a sexy coconut, it was pricey (about 6-7 quid for 400mls or summat) but when I could get a woman to come near me they all liked it. If I become single again I may revert to it if it’s still available.

Any deodorant in the pound shops, tend to get Right guard or nivea 48 hr stuff (though I still have to use it everyday, do they expect me not to wash for 2 days after I’ve sprayed it on??), any of it is better than the smell I make on my own so not too fussy. If i’m going somewhere fancy or making an effort for the missus I splash on a bit of Ralph Lauren Modern Reserve.

Balls and facial hair - Babyliss beard trimmer. I have toyed with the idea of getting waxed but my pubes tend to join up with my leg hairs so where do you stop? I think I would look ridiculous with a bald crotch and hairy legs.

Hands - Moisturised when I moisturise my face I assume? Nails clipped short at least once a week.

Feet - Once every couple of months I’ll give them a good soak and then scrub with one of those paddles with the sandpaper on it, nails clipped every couple of weeks (tend to grow slower than fingernails), I am proud of my feet, they’re not too bad.

Ear and nose hair - Monitored daily with tweezers, I haven’t given in yet but they will one day get the better of me.

All of the above (minus any hair trimmage and foot scrubbage) takes me about 20 minutes.


don’t bother taking care of them. As you get older the enamel gets thinner and more translucent so the inner fabric of your teeth (which is darker) shows through. It gives your genuine well looked after teeth that slightly yellow colour.

Everyone I know who neglected their teeth in younger years have lovely pearly gnashers
their crowns look lovely. :lou_eyes_to_sky:

Are you sure they didn’t mean Roger Moore? R.I.P.

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LOL @ @gavstar believing that women are attracted to the smell of Fish.

Only the lesbian ones @saintbletch


scoff all you want, I’m not rising to it

No.1 on Bletch’s wishlist


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Much better than spraying on Nivea Haddock or Sure Mackerel.

Hope today’s shirt goes down better than the DOPE one.


I use a lot of L’OrĂ©al men ‘expert’ stuff.

Hydrate energetic, ice cool face wash “wake up effect”

face moisturiser

eye moiseriser

I find they work, especially when doing a lot of cycling as the skin really takes a beating from the eliments.

I am not sure if you need all 3 and that they have to be L’OrĂ©al, probably a bog standard moiseriser would do. If I do not use them, I do get really bad dark circles below my eyes and my skin does get really dry and tight.

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A real man will keep a cat just for milking and use this for moisterizing. Organic and free (save for plasters to cover scratches - well have you ever tried milking your pussy?)


Is that what Lynx actually is? Milk from lynxes exposed to various different environments (one in Africa, one in Java, one in Sport Blast (wherever that is))?

I still think it’s for adolescents, but it certainly makes it a bit weirder that kids are spraying themselves with the milk of a wildcat.

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I’m a right ugly cunt, so any poncey beauty regime is wasted on me as you can’t polish a turd. However, i still have my own barnet, despite knocking on 50 and it’s still mostly dark too. The boat race is looking a bit worn out now and although i have all my own teeth, some escapades from my youth have resulted in some reconstruction and stuff, so they’re not the best. The fags and coffee have done for their colour too. Some warts have appeared, but they do add a certain interest, i feel. I do put on “gay spray” (not my words) and aftershave to hide the fetid aroma a reasonably sustantial walk will generate and do change my kacks every day too.

But i can still bring the wife off twice a night, so all is good.


So she’s obviously not looking in your direction when it happens. :lou_wink_2:


Works both ways, mate.

I wasn’t a bad looking mush when i was a nipper and got a reasonable amount of action, but time hasn’t been kind and my days of chasing skirt are long gone. It’s a young mans (or bears) game now. But it’s a two way street. Whilst i did overluy bother with my appearance when i was out on the toot and met some fragrant lovelies, there were some right mingers too.

The worst was in Bristol, when i was at Poly. A group of us went out and got chatting to a group of girls. Two were top drawer clacker and the third a real biffer. My mate and I were giving it all the charm to the two crackers and a few days later he said he’d had a call from one and she wanted a double date. He asked me, so i went along, but the trouble was it wasn’t the two stunnas, but one stunna and the biffer, which i was stuck with. No amount of beer goggles would make her any better. She was a nasty looking boiler from Pontypridd. A long story, but we alll went back to their house. My mate and the stunna fuck off to her room leaving Biffer and me watching TV. She finished munching on her crisps, turns off the TV and says in a sultry, seductive way “So, yer gonna fuck us then, or wot?” “S’pose so” I say - any hole’s a goal and all that and i needed somewhere warm to park it for the night.

So into her room and i start to take off my kit, shoes and socks come off and i feel this sharp pain in my foot. I look down and realise i’ve stepped on a fork and a plate with cold beans on - the pikey bird had just left it by her bed - which causes me to lurch forward and kick something with my other foot which is heavy and hard and gives me more pain. It was her oversize stein beer glass, half full of cold tea and fag ends, right next to her bed. She looks at the mess this has made, looks at me and says “You CUNT! that’s my fucking ashy, that is! You gonna fucking clean that up?” “Bollocks, you pikey bint” I said as i left to kip on the sofa. If she kept a collection of cold beans and a three week old ashtray by her bed, think what her growler would have been like. :astonished: Probably a lucky escape.


and they say romance is dead