Maynority government

I hope you bitter bunch are watching The Last Leg on Ch4 right now. All in memory of Jo Cox, with speakers and contributions from all politcal sides, in the spirit of UK reconciliation. Choose Love, not Hate.

It’s difficult to recall many more volatile political times. Even when two million were on the streets protesting Iraq, Blair still enjoyed a large majority government and had not been subject to the horrendous last few months on May’s watch. The scenes from London last night were astonishing.

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Anyone else loving the new Rasputin rapist Pap photo?

Looks like Pap on steroids. Boxing knowledge and Rocky films paying off.


Like a Jim Royle/Harold Shipman hybrid.


To paraphrase Lock Stock, “now let’s see his fucking photo”.

Personal attacks based on physical appearance only really work if you is a looker yourself. Get your feats out for the lads, @tokyo-saint .

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Come on Pap, you know me well enough to know that wasn’t a personal attack. They come a lot harder than that.

That was friendly fire, you are now in the nemesis zone. In the absence of bear I need someone to spar with.

The photo does make you look beefy though. Like you have been going to the gym a lot and living off protein shakes. When the papers said the SAS were pretending to be homeless to stop terrorism, that’s how I imagined they might look.

Anyway, do you really want people’s pictures up? I would turn into Facebook.

I don’t give a shite about whether folk put their own pictures up or not.

I reserve the right to point out that anyone attacking mine may be a Cthulhu-esque horror, the sort of thing that turns men mad and sets dogs barking.

Demonstrates a poor knowledge of how piss taking works. It is not good looking people ripping ugly people to highlight how good looking they are. That would be a very cruel episode of the OC.

It is men ripping other men for e.g. Wearing short shorts to try and keep up with the kids. This is not done to be cruel or cause the other guy has an amazing sense of fashion. It is done for a laugh.

You have said a few times we should have a beer. This was stated as a necessity for the soviet things. I don’t think it would work, you seem too sensitive. Looks like it would be like having a pint with a fragile woman. Two gins, one misplaced word and she is in the toilets crying. “It’s not what you said, it’s how you said it tokes.”… “I just don’t like people making jokes about Corbyn… sob…ok?”

You’d probably have been suspended or banned elsewhere for your comment. Instead, you got a like. From the person you were insulting :lou_lol:

If you want to continue your critique of my fragile sensitivities, I would invite sir to take it over to Beef. This is about May’s failing government, not your failing forum spider sense.

Call me old fashioned but I would never want to be a member of a forum that didn’t want to suspend or bar me.

To May’s credit, at least she recognised the elected result. :grinning:

pap is Gilfoyle.

Will supply evidence when I am properly online.

None taken.

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We don’t want to suspend or bar you.

To May’s credit, at least she recognised the elected result. :grinning:

No she bloody hasn’t. What has the last week been about, apart from her blind refusal to stare facts in the face?

She may have won the most seats. She also failed to achieve the standard she herself set.

When the Mail weighs in with something like this, you know Theresa is in trouble.

Theresa May has just 10 days to save her job as Tory MPs plot to evict her from Downing Street, it was claimed today.

Around a dozen MPs are said to be ready to make a written demand for a new leadership contest to replace Mrs May before the summer.

And more will step up if votes on the Queen’s Speech - due on around June 28 - look like being lost after Mrs May squandered the Tories’ Commons majority in the election.

The failure to win the election outright and alarm over her flat footed response to the Grenfell fire has exposed splits within the Cabinet and rage on the Tory benches.

It would be awkward to demand her resignation if you were one of the puppets who described her as strong and stable every day for a fucking month.

And what of Brexit?

The whole party has been telling us she is the only one who can lead this project to get us the best deal for Britain…is that bollocks too?

So what’s it going to be Tory MPs - where you lying then, or lying now?


I sort of laid the gauntlet down over at the Ugly. As per over there, a pap thread gets a lot of love, views and Boris. It also inspires a series of complimentary threads, launched by dune (who used to be good at thread-starting, bless him).

And right wingers complain that the left never leave their echo chambers :lou_sunglasses:

I said the same thing to @rust-cohle yesterday.

When the bulk of the media is covering the “what an insensitive human May is” story, you know they are trying to manage a transition to a ‘friendlier face of fascism’.

Who they are planning to foist on us, I don’t know.

But May’s time has come.

Her role now is to take the flack over the election, take the flack over Grenfell, suck a few DUP cocks, take the flack over the DUP confidence and supply relationship that could see the night skies in Northern Ireland burn Orange during July and August and see obscene laws introduced/re-introduced so the book of statutes starts to ape the fucking Bible.

For the record, I don’t actually believe May is as insensitive as she is coming across. I feel that she is just massively socially awkward. How she got as far as she did, I’ll never know.

What is clear is that history will judge her as having fiddled while London burned.


Technically I think you’ll find London burned, and then she fiddled.

If there was any prior fiddling it was probably done between large corporations and people in charge of the tendering process.


Gilfoyle is a bespectacled, long-haired, bearded, pseudo-nihilistic devil-worshiping cynical software developer from the show Silicon Valley who sees the world completely from everyone else (mainly through the eyes of his dark-Lord Lucifer).

Every time I see him I think of @pap . And as Mrs Bletch has met pap, she thinks the same.

He is Canadian and has a wonderful love-hate relationship with Dinesh - a fellow coder, work colleague and Pakistani immigrant to the US.

With love and deep affection, pap (Sorry for going OT, but I’ve been itching to share this for weeks). As you were.

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True, but I was thinking that she was too busy trying to stay in power with the DUP to give the Grenfell fire and its victims the attention it deserved.

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