Panama Offshore accounts

I’ve been doing my bit, and spent the evening praying to Allah, Jehovah, Yahweh, Buddha and Krishna (amongst other gods) so far for Barry’s internet connection; as obviously we all care very much about this, and miss Barry when he’s not here.

No answer so far from most of them, but the flying spaghetti monster did reply, and told me to fuck off.

Sorry Baz, I did try. But most of the gods are ignorant cunts, and the ones that are not seem rude and somewhat lacking in compassion. :lou_eyes_to_sky:

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Pap. The issue is that in a Democracy, surely the entire point is that “The Proletariat” should be marching on the Tax Doging Politicos with Pitchforks and Torching their homes?

The problem with Democracy is that it has been hijacked by an Autocratic Elite that is worse than the old Feudal Class system. At least there IF you worked you got paid, now if you work you just get screwed and some moron tells you it’s for your own good?

What shocks me is not that this happened or was even discovered, it’s the fact that everyone has just shrugged their shoulders and got on with life. Maybe shock isn’t the word, possibly horrifies is.

At what point does “revolution” start? At what point is the 1% owning 1% too much? For me and my expat ness I have made my point clear, a Benevolent Dictator with a true vision and direction for their Nation vs a Corrupt Democracy is acually not a hard decision to make. Look at the UK - quality of life and choices and freedoms are all their, but how much has the Nation developed? Mainly for profit and the impoverisation of the people who live in Flood Plains :lou_sunglasses: and no doubt a few approval granters names will pop up in Panama.

Seriously, we all just want to get on with life and not be ripped off, feel secure get paid on time for our work or company have occassional great days and do the odd runner from a Pub.

The fact is that a great number of these are threatened by Morons who line their own pockets and tell you it’s not your business.

Putin? Ask who holds many of the import licences for many products into Russia? (I won’t) Blair? Raking millions for spouting garbage based on his “Middle East Expert Credentials” Christ on a Bike I know more about what is going on here than he does and does anyone let me bank zillions in Panama? Pah.

My point is that Democratic Leaders are avoiding taxes. How many of them will get arrested? About the same as the number of Bankers they arrested no doubt.

THAT is why Democracy is wrong. Not the theory, but the current Execution of it by ALL parties EVERYWHERE.

No doubt Trump will change everything…

Yeah right

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Good work, Mirror.

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It reminds me of when an MP who has cheated on his missus says it is nothing to do with his job.

It’s about trust mate.

If you lie and decieve your nearest, what does that say about your integrity when it comes to the electorate?

In this case it is clearly not a personal matter.

David Cameron has benefited from his father’s tax arrangements.

Those arrangements may be technically legal, even if they are through a company accused of money laundering for other clients, but they are the precise type of skullduggery that Cameron attacks as immoral.

Hypocrisy is the word that comes to mind - and it clearly demonstrates once again that we are not in it together.


I would have preferred something a little more subtle from The Mirror. Something along the lines of:

Oink Oink Cunty Bollocks

Does Pig Fucker Have His Grubby Snout In The Trough?

Originally posted by @Rallyboy

It reminds me of when an MP who has cheated on his missus says it is nothing to do with his job.

It’s about trust mate.

Actually reminds me of something a little more specific. Now I don’t really give a fuck who MP’s fuck as long as it is legal and consensual, but I would take issue with an MP selling himself on family values and then being exposed as nobbing all and sundry. That’s what Cameron is effectively doing. As you say later on, it’s the hypocrisy.

If you lie and decieve your nearest, what does that say about your integrity when it comes to the electorate?

I’d be less bothered about this in the abstract. There’s a saying; “you don’t know what goes on behind closed doors”. In many cases, the affairs are known about and accepted by the partners. I’d go as far as saying some of the marriages are there just for show.

In this case it is clearly not a personal matter.

David Cameron has benefited from his father’s tax arrangements.

Those arrangements may be technically legal, even if they are through a company accused of money laundering for other clients, but they are the precise type of skullduggery that Cameron attacks as immoral.

Hypocrisy is the word that comes to mind - and it clearly demonstrates once again that we are not in it together.

Yup. I think we’ve known this for a while. Encouraging to see the Mirror putting it in simple terms. The Tories have always been very good at simplifying for the masses. Good to see things go in the other direction.

Corbyn suggests that these places should be taken under direct rule if they don’t get their houses in order.

[The British Virgin Islands] is a British colonial independent territory. Surely to goodness we can at least stop tax evasion and avoidance in British controlled territories. This has to be addressed …

[The government should] say to the governments, those that administer the Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands, and a number of other places, ‘Hang on, you are a government of a British dependent territory, a crown territory, you must obey UK tax law, you must not become a harbour for tax avoidance and tax evasion.’

[Imposing direct rule was] done during the financial crisis in a number of cases where orders in council were used to impose direct rules. I don’t particularly have a problem with that because if the local government in the area is simply going to condone this level of brass badge companies, tax avoidance and tax evasion, then that is something that has to be considered.

The point is that they are not independent territories. They are self-governing, yes, but they are British crown dependent territories. Therefore, surely, there has to be an observance of UK tax law in those places. If they have become a place for systematic evasion and short-changing the public in this country, then something has to be done about it. Either those governments comply or a next step has to be taken.

Those dependent territories’ governments have got to understand the anger of people in this country when they read of this industrial scale tax avoidance and evasion.

He said this could be done “very quickly”.

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Originally posted by @pap

Good work, Mirror.

The sheer arrogance of the man;


Corbyn has got to go on a full on attack this time. If he doesn’t then this is a failure for the Labour Party.

Handled it well so far, and not just moaning either. Practical solutions are being offered.

Well, it could be worse. You could be the prime minister of Iceland right now.

FWIW dave will survive this providing there is nothing to connect him directly benefitting from any dodgy scheme. Yes you can argue that he was educated on the back of ill gotton gains etc - but as far as I am aware the sins of the father are not the responsibility of the child.

Jeremy has now got a perfect opportunity to nail the PM to the mast. If he wastes his chance with a “john from salford asks” question then the PLP should fuck him off pronto.

Oh and Michel Platini has a panamanian bank account - wonder why he needed that then


Originally posted by @CB-Saint

FWIW dave will survive this providing there is nothing to connect him directly benefitting from any dodgy scheme. Yes you can argue that he was educated on the back of ill gotton gains etc - but as far as I am aware the sins of the father are not the responsibility of the child.

Hmmm, it does bother me to what extent the Tories have been funded by money that may also have been through these sort of systems. Or at least by individuals that have used these schemes.

Probably has occured with the other parties too, which again is a problem. Doubt that it as big a problem with them though.

To me though, people stealing money from the taxpayer and then buying a stake in the party that is looking to systematically dismatle society whilst cynically repeating the patently dishonest mantra of “we are all in this together” (which, as the chart I posted yday shows we obviously are not) should have people rioting in the streets. It should cause a constitutional crisis.

It’s really disheartening how people see the poorest, the most desperate or those fleeing scenes akin to horrific movies as the biggest threat to society. Not those hoarding such huge sums of wealth and actively trying to ensure that others have nothing. You have to question our priorities.


How utterly unsurprising. Thank christ for the yanks ensuring he wasn’t coronated,

From Facebook

The media barons must be soiling their under garments to ignore this completely. But then, who is going to prosecute who - when World leaders , politicians and huge business Chairman and CEO’s are involved?

![Darren Williams’s photo.]( gda =1467789627_ead5acb6df00eddf28ff5e1c19cf7006)Darren Williams13 hrs · London, United Kingdom ·

“Have you seen this about the offshore tax havens? It’s huge!”


"The rich and powerful are implicated. This could be the biggest financial scandal in d…


“Why is this in the news?” :lou_lol:

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Arf. Posted on Facebook as “doing your tax returns just got a whole lot easier”.


I’m pretty sure these have been leaked by someone in power in the US.

This blog is interesting.

It was written shortly after the news about the papers broke and some might say it’s since been proven to be wide of the mark with regards to the diversity of the targets but I think that’s arguable. The bankers have it in for the Icelandic leader as Pap points out, Cameron is expendable etc.

The funding for this supposed group of independent journalists is certainly of interest.

If you start from the position that the journalists are not truly independent the only logical conclusion is that the leaker is a known quantity.


If this is accurate, HMRC in on the scam.


Alex Andreou @sturdyAlex

HMRC offices are owned by offshore company. For tax reasons. *stares* That is basically STRAIGHT UP TROLLING.

One reason why Jezza has to be very careful is for when he is asked the question “How many of the Super RIch actually paid the high rate taxes when your lot were in power the past 50 years?”

No doubt we will start to hear that besides Politics, Branson & Sugar, Coldplay & Adele etc the EPL’s finest and of course anyone in Banking pay less total tax than my Cousin on minimum wage at Waitrose

It’s only the Muggles that ever have to pay tax