Robert E Lee - Should The Statue Have Stayed?

You think taking a statue away will take away an ideology? We’ll be forever rewriting history to our current standards.

is that a reply to me? 'Coz that ain’t what I said.

Cecil Rhodes, “Bomber” Harris, Margaret Thatcher are 3 that spring to mind, but tbf different people would agree and disagree.

Also history always reflects the victorious, not necessarily who or what is right.


And a conscience is a luxury as is guilt. Cromwell is viewed as a bastard and rightly so but he did what he believed was right at the time, take his statue down? Ah white liberal self hate and guilt.

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The confederate statues are, in most ways, different from everything else that is being discussed. These statues were put up specifically to support white supremency and have no other historical context.


Fair point.

The stature of Thatcher could be said to support / celebrate the ongoing subjugation of the poor British by the wealthy ruling minority.

You say tomato, I say tomato…

No they weren’t, they were put up for remembrance and became that by some.

Everything about thatis offensive, his bin man suit, his broken wrist, his massive head, the little football and him looking like Mandaric!

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As a sidenote.

Actually Baz is right on this one and one I’ve been “told off” in the past for mentioning.

An inconvenient truth that gets in the way of a lot of agendas - worthy ones or not.

I’m not saying that it exonerates the white mans role in the slave trade, but there is another facet that needs to be acknowledged by all.

Bazza is always right, people just don’t want to agree with Bazza, 3rd person or not.

Agenda’s and natural bias, human nature.

Can anybody remember that we are not responsible for what our forefathers did.

we can acknowledge it.

Rectify any outstanding issues.

but by this standard of removing statues England will have to start with removing all in trafalger square and then the rest placed around the country then start removing things like the Bargate. The Walls to the city.

Again in a few few weeks I ask " are you lot fucking mental"

History is there it was already written why do we need to re write it?

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Well apart from the Bates statue that did need removing

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Remembrance of what, being a traitor?

You fuckwit.

Well as far as my history goes Robert E Lee was a southern war hero

the fact his ideology is not what we aspire to today is beyond the point.

his figure was there as a dedication to what he believed and the people that supported him at the time believed.

it is just a statue nothing else not a shrine to the white brethren just a piece of rock shaped like a person from history.

There were also many Southerners who were utterly against slavery, this hick stereotype that the north has towards the south also rankles today.

Bleeding heart liberals who apologise for everything, maybe they should travel a bit and see the world has moved on, we won’t touch or talk or heaven forbid put boots on the ground in Africa whilst millions are slaughtered (the UN don’t count as they are reactive and pointless really), sensitive issues of a whites mans armies on the ground in Africa again and yet millions of lives could be saved, should be there doing good instead of the Middle East.

So how comes ze Germans don’t have statues of Hitler down the strasse?