Robert E Lee - Should The Statue Have Stayed?

Robert Mugabe?

Hate speech here?

Can we kick out homophobes, racists, sexists and rapists then?

Its why I dont tolerate bazza and his pretend left wing stance that trots out ‘Bleeding heart liberals’ more frequently than a Daily Hate colomnist… which is an odd paradox in itself. Your WUM personna ‘Barry’ is too obvious in its inconsistent ‘opinion pattern’ to retain any credibilty… so you just end up looking like a hate spounting intolerant… in nearly every thread. Better a ‘bleeding heart liberal’ in my book any day (fake or real)


Celebrating anything to do with nazis inc displaying the swasitka is illegal in Germany… the holocaust and history is taught in schools, but quite rightly there are no statues or symbolic icons to that era… I believe the war cemetaries provide enough opportunity for rememberence and reflection.

Post war Germany was rightly ashamed… the stark reality of the horrors commited by the Nazis, was a stain on a whole country and only as new generations became adults in the 60s and 70s was the country able to move on, with a new generation that did not need to feel guilt simply because of where they were born.

The Southern US states were also defeated, and slavery abolished, but for many their was no shame and the racism and prejudices were simply passed on generation to generation, and statues of Lee etc act as major symbols of that continued intolerance - That is whay I beieve they have no place in society.

The Bomber Harris statue is IMHO the most cntroversial of ours - because of his strategies etc, but we in general have moved on and now recognise that fighting a war against civilians to ‘break their spirit’ is not justifiable… with teh exception of the twats at football doing ‘bombing raids’


Oliver Cromwell?

…the point being that folks dont see this as an icon to justify intolernace and oppression today… or do you?

Maybe not but the Irish hate him.


Morrissey wouldn’t be a fan. Neither would I.

I’ve been dreaming of a time when
The English are sick to death of Labour, and Tories
And spit upon the name Oliver Cromwell
And denounce this royal line that still salute him
And will salute him forever

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The liberals have never had an issue with hypocrisy.

And I have always had a soft spot for Oli Cromwell

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The bleeding hearts on here will either be confused or pure raging at this ha ha!

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They interviewd a black lady about the statue removal. She said she would be glad to see it go because it was a constant reminder of the oppresion that her people had suffered. Perhaps they should melt them all down to make a giant one of Martin Luther King?

As was the bombing of London, Coventry etc. The plan from both sides was to break the opposition using any means possible. It escalated to the dropping of two atomic bombs in Japan. War crimes or ways to a means of ending a war? Sadly civilians stopped being colateral damage in wars and became part and parcel of the conflicts many years ago. If Trump and the twat from N Korea get their way and we have another nuclear disaster, it wont just be the military that suffer.

If the statue stands for something that many people find abhorrent, why shouldnt it go? Why should there be a concession for something that is clearly wrong by any standards of decency? If you are going to change people’s thoughts, what better way of doing so than by saying this is unacceptable. Unless you are Donald Trump of course. It will not change an ideology, but it sends a powerful message that that ideology is not acceptable. Isnt this something that you keep telling us about Islam?

You need to learn some history before preaching on it.

We bombed Dresden for no reason other than revenge, the incendiary devices were created to cause maximum effect and the US also were heavily involved.

London and Coventry were targeted because of their importance by and large, the civilian population came down the lists.

The atomic bomb drops were done to save lives from attritional island to island fighting in Japan.
The US and quite rightly did not want another D-Day.

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Can’t argue with Baz there

This is the problem and I am being honest here, have an opinion that’s great and we’ll all disagree but don’t say shit that is quite frankly not true, its not even opinion its historical fact.

Day after day of absolute codshit.

Neither have conservatives, or 99% of humanity for that matter. Humans are generally pretty self-serving no matter what their “beliefs”.

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I’m liking you Won Ton we may disagree but fair play.

I’m against taking these statues down. Much better to put one of Harriet Tubman or Abraham Lincoln or some other positive figure from that era alongside them and let people learn about both sides. Removing these kind of statues is a slippery slope to white-washing and denial like Turkey does regarding the Armenian genocide.

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My auntie or step aunt is Armenian and I sadly know about that massacre and genocide, many want to take that from the books of history as well.