Sexist debate on LinkedIn

Originally posted by @pap

Personally I am just very pleased that my two seem to have avoided the midget and ginger genes, and got the brainy one.

Ah, so your Daughters take after your wife then.


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Originally posted by @Goatboy

rule 1.

This is a totally wrong thing to do, and I will never do it again, but I think she is safe from this forum.

She is the one in the middle.

How sweet! She’s got red eyes!

You can talk to anybody if the person you target hasnt got the privacy setting on. From the screenshots I saw I wouldnt say they were friends.

Of course sexism is not exculsive in any particular job, but if Ms Proudman wanted to be really offended I used to work with two older lawyers at the CPS who were really sleazy and were constantly making lewd comments to female members of staff and about women. How they never got hauled over the coals I will never know, I can only assume that no one made an official complaint. I also saw a manager approach one of the admin staff from behind and grab her boobs. She was easily half his age and just laughed it off. This was only two years ago so were are not talking the 70s here.

So in suggesting she’s a hypocrite, you know that she had no connection with those two guys? You know what her or their privacy settings were?

But surely that’s her point. British law firms have a long and distasteful history, some of it fully played out in employment tribunals and courts, of grotesque sexism, escalating to sex discrimination and sexual assault. It’s endemic in the same way that it is in the world of London’s big finance companies.

It seems her “admirer” was just acting as the herd does, and she was called him out.


Ohio, I’m really confused about the point you’re trying to make?

He’s proud of the way his daughter looks?

Originally posted by @Sadoldgit

I also saw a manager approach one of the admin staff from behind and grab her boobs. She was easily half his age and just laughed it off. This was only two years ago so were are not talking the 70s here.

I’m confused by the point you’re making SOG (there seems to be a theme). Are you saying this is what all women should do - laugh it off?

I’m confused too. Not just about my own point, but everyone else’s.

All the people involved in this issue are lawyers. Let them talk their way around the issue, reach a financial settlement out of court and just get on with their lives.

That’s all there is to it, The not so hot lady lawyer can get back to her lawyer life and can complain forever more that she was mistreated because she went the public media route, rather than the established route.

And Goaty is right. I posted a pic of my daughter because i am proud of her. Not just because of her looks though…I had just got off the phone with her, and was welling up somewhat. She has amazing determination to better herself and is now a teacher despite my poor parenting. Yeah…Sorry about that one!!!

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Every dad should be proud of their daughters, and consider them smart and beautiful. That’s not poor parenting, Ohio! You’re a lucky man, and your daughter is lucky to have you.

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Thanks Lou, I truly appreciate the comment. However,you got it a little wrong. It is myself that is lucky to have her. I’m sure that any parent would agree to that. :wink:


She should be sodding grateful for the compliment!..entitled b***h!

What, even if she’s really stupid and ugly?

She should have been grateful!!


Given she will have her Dad’s genes, unless he’s got a major self hate personality disorder, it’s highly unlikely he’ll see it that way.

No I am not saying that at all. I think these things need to be reported and dealt with because they are serious matters. I dont think that this incident with Miss Proudman is a serious matter and should have been dealt with by herself with a response to the guy if she wasnt happy with his comments.

Blimey, if I got hauled up every time I said to a bride that she looked stunning at her wedding I would have spent half my life fighting sexism cases.

It is a sad world where you cannot say something nice about someone without an inference being made that you are after something else.

I quite like the idea of seeing a stunning looking woman and being helplessly compelled to tell her how beautiful she is.

Doing this online? Not so much.

This bloke should have known better and should also get his eyes/monitor checked.