Sotonian members who are no longer with us

Give us a cuddle at least

So … who are the people who are no longer with us?

Just asking like, seeing as that is what the Fred Title suggests is going to be forthcoming :slight_frown:

Originally posted by @Rallyboy

Posters shouldn’t have to pick their way through hatred disguised as free speech.

I’ve given up on one thread, about to do the same on a second.

Life’s too short.

This is a community where people can help set the rules. The decision not to ban anyone has largely been my call.

Back in the old days, bletch and I discussed the possibility of a Sin Bin category. The general idea then was that people would still get their freedom of speech, being able to post in that category, while bletcherino sorted things out in the background. That’s still a decent enough idea to discuss.

The site’s direction should be governed by the members, but I personally reckon that freedom of speech should be maintained, even if it is hateful. Following recent events, I’m even toying with a Permacunt category.

We couldn’t call it that of course. We’d mention it prominently in the description, but I’m thinking “PC Gone Mad” might be a fun, non-sweary in-joke of a title.

I nominate Barry Sanchez as some kind of “jailer mod” :lou_sunglasses:

Seriously though, bletch and I can only respond if we’re aware of stuff. I take it on the chin to uphold the freedom of speech stuff, but that doesn’t mean we can’t or won’t take action with appropriate community guidance.

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We should also remember Stephen and his great love of the best doner kebabs.


Emotional reaction is normal. All posters at times let their guard down and respond as sharply or as barbed as their wit will allow them. The Brexit threads were always going to reflect the level of passion and emotion as a microcosm of the U.K. As such, expecting a sanitised version was at best naive.

No one wants to see packs of hound frothing at the mouth after one poster, the shitty virtual bullying found elsewhere, but unpopular opinion will attract a louder and sometimes less measured response - as we have seen with the unpleasant undertones referenced by another poster earlier today. Should the forum stand by and let this go so as not to offend?

Ex Trader clearly gave as good as he got - happy to trade an aggressive defence of his point of view. Most folks don’t continue to press home a point if they have been misinterpreted or someone feels they have been offended- most would look to resolve it.

Also, if offering a general criticism, as opposed to isolating an individual, why drop such a comment in a specific response - why not simply make unquoted post?

I would suggest Pap that 99% who post on here do not have any intention of looking to insult or make personal attacks - yes we are all guilty of jumping to conclusions and overreacting at times, but impost will also put thier hands up and acknowledge ther fuck up to help resolve.

I interpreted ExTraders comment as a nasty slur. If that was a wrong interpretation, I apologise to him unreservedly. However he made no attempt to correct my assumption. How are we meant to second guess every comment? Or do we just let it all go?

Ifthe language he used may have been unfortunate, as opposed to selected. I did not respond because of feeling ‘offended’ - but because of where, how and by whom such language has been previously used.

I acknowledge my part in several scraps - being the opinionated self absorbed and unreconstructed cunt that I am - and I certainly had no intention of contributing to someone wanting out. I would rather offer a virtual olive branch and sort it out. But for that to happen, BOTH parties need to clarify their POV, not let interpretations stand.

As I have said above, if I misinterpreted ETs comment, I am sorry.

Check out the down-votes, ant.

The membership is fine with this, otherwise they’d be down voting stuff.

It’s become the type of forum they want, obviously…

Sorry to see Ex-Trader go. That thread was very emotive and as I have found out by experience, it often doesn’t take much for things to kick off. I am all for freedom of speech but with that comes a responsibility and there will always be a time when someone feels that someone else has crossed the line. I like the idea of mediation and if Ex-Trader was still here I would like to think that he (or she) and Gay could shake virtual hands now that tempers have settled a bit. But then I am just an old hippy at heart! Peace and love brothers and sisters. Peace and love! :heart:


I guess it would help if folks could explain their down votes - so we know what the fuck is going on…

exactly, GA. I got down voted three times for calling ex trader a sex pest but got no explanation.

I will happily explain mine…

your what? Did you down vote me?

If you think strongly about a posted comment it might help by not only downvoting but clicking the “Report” button and giving your reason to the moderators.

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This is all getting very strange…

I thought this was a ligthhearted forum.

Bearsy, quick, start a thread about winkies or something.

I got downvoted for slagging off Raheem Sterling!

There’s an emotional scar that will never heal.


Nah, not you my chubby friend… I don’t have many left on here now according to the management do need all I can get

when I got down voted it made me feel really sad and that isn’t nice.


I’ve just taken a quick look at The Thread in Question and would like to retract my last statement. It seems there are a good deal of very serious (for serious, read opinionated) discussions going on - perhaps the tag could be renamed to ‘extremely serious discussion’ rather than ‘reasonably serious discussion’. I also recommend that we all grow small beards to stroke and learn to nod sagely and/or roll our eyes as required.

I DO NOT retract the bit of my post about Bearsy starting a winkies-based thread.


I have up voted you to make you feel better - after all the shit I have been slinging, time to spread the love I think

It was SO tempting to downvote you there Fatso…I still might, I’m not sure I can resist the comedy urge, there must be dozens of us hovering over that button… :laughing:


Fair enough but is that not a little bit running to Mummy? (Bletchly Plays the Doris) - there is a right to reply surely ?

There is always a problem with potential misinterpretation - but the challenge is always whether someone is simply deliberately being provocative or serious