Sotonian members who are no longer with us

You can say that but sometimes people would rather use that route to complain rather than publicly add fuel to the fire. After all a Forum Moderators job is to moderate/mediate quietly without being involved in a public outburst. Working behind the scenes between yourself and Ex-trader might have taken out the heat/misunderstanding between you both. Nobody wants a sanitised discussion forum but neither do others want issues highjack by people having a personal spat in public.

This is a pretty amazing place conducted with no small amount of tolerance a good humour…heated debate, yes…personal vendettas, (when they appear as they do on the dark side) have no place here.

I’d reluctantly use the “Report” button if I had to.

we don’t need a report button, we need man to man, face to face violence.


I don’t dismiss it as a tool Slowy - but there is real value in solving these issues between posters - I would gladly have stood my ground but looked to resolve the issue with ExTrader (although I suspect it was not solely my doing) - but e decided to leave. He was not without a bit of acid on his tongue during the verbal exchanges- not just on that thread but this one was always going to be more highly charged - and remains so.

I would gladly sit down over a pint with him and resolve it - as was neither of our best moments, even virtually

Isn’t that what the beef thread was invented for??


Its the end of days, Revelations, society is crumbling.

A few days ago the world made sense.

This place was relaxed and fun, we were part of the EU, our major political parties had leaders and a direction, Roy had started with Vardy, Pellegrini was to be our manager

Now nothing is as it should be, everything is on fire and sliding into the abyss. To cap it all Pap went to see an Adele gig and hung around to watch Coldplay.

Nothing makes any sense anymore

Theres no place like home , Theres no place like home


Originally posted by @Sussexsaint

Now nothing is as it should be, everything is on fire and sliding into the abyss. To cap it all Pap went to see an Adele gig and hung around to watch Coldplay.

The Adele part is true. ms pap turned 40 over the festival and I wanted to do something nice.

The Coldplay part is not. Fuck those guys. I saw LCD Soundsystem instead.

Fuck those guys ? Wow. You make a forum for whiny white middle aged opinionated bell ends then turn your back on what is essentially the muscial equivalent.


Oi, I take umbrage at that remark, we’re an all-inclusive forum you know…

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He’ll be attacking Top Gear, real ale and viagra next.


I’m tempted to down vote you, because not in any world does it make sense to have Roy have any involvement with England, let alone picking Vardy (although I agree he should have been playing…).


I prefer cunt to bell end. I also thnk you need to define middle aged, just for the record. I’d really not like to call some one a whiney middle aged cunt when, in fact, they are a near death, future ruining, doddery old cunt. That would just be wrong.

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Originally posted by @Sussexsaint

Fuck those guys ? Wow. You make a forum for whiny white middle aged opinionated bell ends then turn your back on what is essentially the muscial equivalent.

I made the forum because I got banned off another and have a serious internet forum problem.


BTW what’s happened to KRG??

Originally posted by @BTripz

BTW what’s happened to KRG??

Nowt, as far as I know. Last I heard of him was on the Glasto thread, saying he could no longer go.

I know, just strange that he hasn’t said a thing here since the Brexit result!!

His missus will be on the same websites I am sifting through some very very attractive job offers

some of them websites can be v.dodgy, make sure money up front. Be safe.


Pap missed Coldplay?

The greatest show ever staged in the history of anything?


Here’s an idea. How about not appointing a Manager. Have a Black Box team researching fitness & form and appoint a head coach…

Not that it works anywhere else…

Steve Wigley was a head coach wasn’t he ?

Or coach driver?