Sotonians turns one

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Honest Fowllyd. None of us have your wallet.

I’ve had worse days.

Happy b’day everyone. x.


Perhaps in Sotonians’ second year my predictions will be met with the respect they deserve. :wink:

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I wouldn’t count on it unless they are in one of the betting threads and actually come in. Otherwise keep expecting ridicule as is the norm on here. I listened to I think it was Sfcism and Goat who were convinced Spurs were going to beat Newcastle

The main ridicule that sticks in the mind is Fatso claiming he’d masturbate in front of us at a meetup if my prediction of us finishing 6th came true.

Hate to imagine what he’ll do if Bournemouth beat United on Tuesday… :zipper_mouth:

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Originally posted by @Goatboy

Honest Fowllyd. None of us have your wallet.

Fowllyd got pissed and lost his wallet at the South Western Arms. Such was his fortitude and audacity in the curry house that he spent a good deal of time determining that his wallet loss must have been the result of an elaborate and hilarious jape which would involve us depriving him of his worldly transient earnings.

While he was doing this, I phoned the South Western Arms, the last place we were in, who indeed, had his wallet. Hopefully the cash is still there. I hear reports that he still refused to believe it wasn’t a jape after the taxi to the South Western Arms was en-route :lou_sunglasses:

I’ve had worse days.

Happy b’day everyone. x.

Indeed. Lots of good fun. Nearly everything went our way at the game, great beers before and after

Even walletgate was fun. Being cast as a cabal of glamorous Cluedo suspects by General “Lee” Plastered was great fun.

Spoiler: the crime was committed by General “Lee” Plastered in the South Western Arms with not enough pocket discipline and far too many shandies.


I am a fucking legend, well done Pap, best forum in Cressington by a long way.


Great day, great night, yeah yeah, but where is the bloody cake?

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Fatso is just addding some additional cream to eat and it will be delivered on Tuesday night when the final positions are known.

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If he can write Happy Birthday across the top without putting out the candle I’ll be impressed.

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Happy Birthday fellow Sotonians and thank you for having me. This site has become a refreshing change from pretty much everywhere else I have frequented. Long may it last,

Thanks for by obituary, bit brief but you can’t have it all :wink:

It sounded like the longest ‘end of gig’ speech ever where the lead singer is introducing everyone in the hopes of getting a cheer from the crowd.

Thanks Pap, Bletch and all who sail in you.

Can someone repost Bears video using the enterprise song ?


thank you sir, very prompt

nice work pap i got all emotions reading that tks


replace Hoffmeister with papsweb and you’ve got yourself an advert


Originally posted by @Sussexsaint

Can someone repost Bears video using the enterprise song ?

Only just got to finish reading through this post, what with the other awesome events of the weekend, time has been a little short of late.

Congratulations on making it to that first important milestone. A year under the belt of the bedding in process, and growing the community. You have done a great job with the place, and the excellent members make it what it has become. As someone else said – it is a place with a real sense of community, rather than just some other place people post things on the internet.

Originally posted by Pap

**Bearsy ** - largely covered above, but our imp, our jester, our ongoing mystery. The amount of speculation at the pubs at what Bear really is (ranging from James Bond supervillain to Villa fan) should have his ears burning before every match.

I liked the one where Bearsy was a bot.

Originally posted by pap

Please do not expect another year just like this one. Now that Sotonians is entering it’s second year, bletch and I are now implementing Project Mayhem.

You will all be allocated a piece of corporate artwork to destroy.

Excellent. *eagerly awaits first assignment*

Posted from Meyssac in France wher Gay is currently cycling and drinking fuck loads of wine… I love you all except that cunt Bletch


Gay Abandon, FYI you would already have been banned if I had my way, but that PC bastard pap is concerned that since your name change it would appear homophobic.