🍻🍷 The Map of 🇲🇷 Booze thread whatever the title says (or is changed to when moderately intoxicated)

No @philippinesaint , I had crumpets not toast :lou_facepalm_2:

I’m partial to crumpets

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I’m partial to crumpet :lou_is_a_flirt:

I am fucking pickled on a Saturday nihght and todays result does not make it any better.

Good luck AG. Sounds like you have made what you describe as a risky decision for the right reasons. Hope it works out for you.

Right fuck it, fuck it all. this is now the I’m getting cunted on a Saturday night sub thread. I shall flush out the post match depression with many beers. I shall be hanging out of my arsehole tomorrow. I don’t give a fuck what the Ayatollah has got planned. She can stick her to do list up her arris.


That’s it

So @goatboy , @pap , @fowllyd and @bucks have left me half spastic and I’m supoosed to be at a karaoke tonight .

I’ve invited goat and pap which could get lively.


Best thing today? Well, it was a pleasure to be hugged by his royal Bletchness. The rest has all been downhill, unsurprisingly :slight_frown:

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So went through the low cost terminal in Dubai.

No bar.

20 people on a 160 seat flight so no problems with comfort. But you had to pay to watch 5+ year old movies.

Normally I’d get bladders but had to drive this end so 6 hours sober and trying to kip.

Get to in laws get a beer then pour a large anti jet lag scotch.

And knock it over

Ffs is it still Friday 13th?





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I have not been hugged or cuddled by Bletch.

I have drunk wine and whiskey as promised earlier.

I have my eye on a few old maps and am waiting like a lion in the undergrowth to pounce/ponce.

Mrs Fatso is now trying to feign interest in old maps but I have seen through her ways and sent her to bed with a flea in her ear.

I have my eye on a 1610 map of some northern shithole (map has damage). It’s a judgement that should be made more sober, so I shall defer decisions until later.

We just watched Lethal Weapin 3. It was quite good. I fear I’m pretty pissed.


No doubt about it if you watched Leathal Weapon 3 you are pissed or deserve to be.

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If I’ve learned anything from yesterday, it’s never to go out drinking in Eastleigh.

Actually, it was alright for a night out with unfuckable friends :lou_wink_2:


I think it is advisable (even mandatory) to drink if you are in Eastleigh


Oh sweet mother of God :lou_sad:


I am hanging today.

Glad you got home ok.

I remember that we talked before you left but you’d stopped being coherent and the music was really loud.

How’s your head @goatboy ?

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I appear to have bid on a “collection only” grandmother clock last night, whilst under the influence. Best not let Mrs Fatso hear about this and hope that some other pissed twat bids on it tonight (must make sure it’s not me again, bidding against myself)


Tick tock. Tick tock.

We need an update. Did you get outbid or have have got your hands on a grandmother cock?