Things that make you go "Nope"

Yep, slightly uncomfortable with this. It’s like the fucking LADBible.

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Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli. NOPE.



Back to KRG’s vertigo observations…like him I had no trouble as a kid climbing trees and falling out of them. I think it’s a kid’s feeling of invulnerability but as you get older that’s replaced by the reality…how fragile we really are.

Around my mid-20s I got scared of lifts to the extent of taking the stairs where possible but once someone explained the safety measures employed by lifts I felt a bit easier. I still find myself throwing my arms out to steady myself if the lift jolts unexpectedly but I’ve been in some pretty rickety lifts over the years so it’s under control now…mostly.

Flying…pure tedium sandwiched between horror…you have to do it or you go nowhere.

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Got stuck in a lift for 45 minutes at work the other day. Was just pissed off.

Sodastream after tasting the first one!!



I know the whole thing is irrational. Unless I am being a monumental prat, there’s no way I’m going to fall over the edge of the escalator to my death (seriously, the lifts from the Heathrow Express to T3 departures are 'kin high). And, due to my legs being like jelly, and my both hands gripping on to the point my knuckles are bleeding, it’s even more unlikely to happen. But there I am, sweating buckets, feint and dizzier than a walter-worker.

Give me an hour or so, I’ll be quite happily sat 30k feet up, no worries whatsoever.


Originally posted by @KRG

** I know the whole thing is irrational.** Unless I am being a monumental prat, there’s no way I’m going to fall over the edge of the escalator to my death (seriously, the lifts from the Heathrow Express to T3 departures are 'kin high). And, due to my legs being like jelly, and my both hands gripping on to the point my knuckles are bleeding, it’s even more unlikely to happen. But there I am, sweating buckets, feint and dizzier than a walter-worker.

Give me an hour or so, I’ll be quite happily sat 30k feet up, no worries whatsoever.


Irrational…too true. Many years ago I joined a group from our camera club taking pictures from the tower of Romsey Abbey.

Entrance to the roof was a torturous route up a flight of stone steps (didn’t like that)…skirting the Nave along a narrow passage with a knee high parapet forty feet above the church floor (shitting myself but too scared to turn around)…up another flight of stone step and into the belfry. The belfry was large chamber with a suspended wooden floor…all I could think of was the 60 feet void beneath the floor.

I couldn’t walk across the floor although I could see nothing of the drop below…knowing it was there was enough. I skirted the belfry keeping close to the wall and out through a door on the far side, to the roof.

Out through the door, I looked around a saw the safe haven of the flagpole…there I stood clutching it…took a few cursory pictures and made my way back to the ground by way of the same horrific route. All this conducted with a attempt of seeming nonchalance…something I was told I didn’t succeed in conveying.

Needles or more specifically injections - bloody hate them. Getting cold sweats just typing this.

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Sounds mental, but watch them do it. Seriously. Had to have a load of blood tests back in the 90s for six months. Being shit-scared of needles wasn’t a long term option. I watched them put it into my arm each and every time.

Wasn’t scary after I’d done it once. I think it’s not knowing exactly when which really fucks you up, because most injections don’t really hurt.

It’s the tickle principle. It’s apparently impossible to tickle yourself into laughter because you know it’s coming. Someone else does it, and it can be uncontrollable. Similarly, if you watch you know exactly when the needle is coming. Cured me anyways.

Take ownership!

An oldie, but it does make just about every fibre of my existence scream “NOPE!”


So much nope right there ant.

I’m intrigued by this thread as so much of it focuses around phobias. I’m a lucky enough bugger not to suffer from too many, but I really don’t like swimming in any sort of current anymore, especially if its rough. I went coasteering with my bro and his superhuman friends. Got bounced against a rock loads of times. Had a panic attack after about the seventh try of trying to clamber onto a wet slippery rock. Will not do again.

Generally though, I’m of the view that if there’s no actual risk to life and limb, give it a go. That’s why I always thought most of the contestants on Fear Factor were wusses. Don’t get me wrong - I don’t like any of the stuff you guys have mentioned, but it doesn’t put me in fear of my life, and if I ever have to contend with a slippery fucking rock and a 7ft changes in sea level again, I’d like to think I’d give it a more manful go.

Its gets me too. But once you are there if can can hang around for about 20 mins all of the chemicals that have been coursing through your body gradually subside and you will find your anxiety will more or less go. The trouble is getting through that 20 minutes!

Flesh tunnels. Nope. My stepson has one in his earlobe and it looks bloody awful. Why would you want to do that?

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The old finger up the bum. No thanks.

Fuck that!!!

Does this apply to the old finger up the bum as well?