Things that make you go "Nope"

Originally posted by @Fatso

The old finger up the bum. No thanks.

Young finger?

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Originally posted by @Goatboy

Originally posted by @Fatso

The old finger up the bum. No thanks.

Young finger?

Must be getting old, as the last time the doctor did that to me (about 6 months ago) to feel my prostate… I did not even notice. Must be all those big shits I have… Yeah that one!

Originally posted by @Fatso

Does this apply to the old finger up the bum as well?

Really hard to watch though. I find a shaving mirror helps.



Or Facetime.


Originally posted by @Goatboy

Originally posted by @Fatso

The old finger up the bum. No thanks.

Young finger?

And Here’s Jimmy

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With you on that. The sight or thought of a hypodermic makes me shiver. When I was four and five years old I was in hospital twice for six weeks each time (mastoiditis and osteomyelitis - for the former I was in hospital for both Christmas and my fifth birthday).

On both occasions, after the operation I was given a daily jab of penicillin (it seems amazing now that such things were done on a routine basis back in the 1960s, but they were). Penicillin is a horrible injection that has to be done into muscle - in my case the buttock. It hurt like hell every time, so much so that my parents persuaded them to stop giving me the injections on my second sojourn because I was getting into such a state they reckoned it was hindering and not helping my recovery.

Since then I’ve had a horror of injections. I can’t watch someone being given an injection, even on TV and even if it’s fiction (my younger stepdaughter is a big Casualty fan). On the plus side, it’s highly unlikely that I’ll ever become an intravenous drug user.

Funnily enough I can trace my phobia back to a penicillin shot in the arse. We were in the US and I got tonsillitis. The nurse came in with the biggest syringe I had ever seen, think bike pump, and when I asked if it would hurt, all he said was “not me”. I can still feel the needle buried three inches into my butt cheek and the ensuing dead leg.

sadistic fuckers, what was wrong will a spoonful of medicine like that aniseed pink shit we were given.

Originally posted by @Sfcsim


Unopened :lou_sad:

No, well I thought it was clever!

I’ll have it!


Tokes will put anything in his mouth.

You’ve never complained before KRG.


Still not.

A PM from Bearsy on Steveweb.

Haven’t had any from him here…yet

Originally posted by @Fatso

The old finger up the bum. No thanks.

I had a prostate cancer check not so long ago that involved the docs finger (I hope!) and some lub. Once inserted he asked me how it felt! I think all I could muster up was “not very pleasant thanks.”

I’m scared to get prostrate check in case i get boner :lou_sad:

Edit: Did u get boner?


Using the word “squinny.” It is used by one of the main wind up protaganists and his acolyte on another site. Just not a word that should be used by gown up men. (Squinny over).

Fortunately not Bear. It might have been a different matter if the finger had belonged to a fit nurse though! I am told by those who know about these things that it is pleasurable for men to have their prostrates massaged digitally from the inside. Hmmmm.

Over doing the colourful Christmas decorations!