Thoughts on black Friday!

Black Friday’s clearly a load of old bollocks (literally, in the case of most ‘offers’), and I’ve even heard tales of TV manufacturers throwing together crappy quality models specifically to sell to the gullible masses today…

However, I just went to check the price of a PS4 game I’ve been tracking for a while (Tearaway Unfolded) only to find Game’s exclusive edition at less than half the price it was yesterday (£14.99). So £5.54 with reward points/old trade-in credit. I’ll happily snap up the odd silly bargain like that!

If you’re specifically looking for something and it comes up cheap this weekend then great. It’s the ‘buying any old tat just because you’ve been told it’s cheaper now’ mentality that I can’t comprehend.

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You’ve never met the Ayatollah. One of her favourite phrases is “look how much I saved …”

Some promotional bullshit for black friday

PLEASE NOTE: These “Black Friday Double-Door Buster Deals” are available only while items are in stock. At this low, low price they SELL OUT very quickly so get yours now to avoid missing out.

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Does not compute does not compute

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Oh dear, bit of a maths/logic fail. Discounted tat still costs money!

If ‘x’ is wealth:

Wealth after buying tat (‘y’) = x - price of tat

Wealth after not buying tat (‘z’) = x

z > y

I’d suggest rolling this equation out next time this comes up. Preferably on a BARGAIN-PRICED (40% off! buy buy buy!) comically-oversized whiteboard.

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I have always wanted a kodak/vestral tv with shit resolution, this is the weekend for it, I am strangely buying a small tv this weekend but it will be a sammy or panny. There are very few genuine bargains, its mostly shite, iof it was any good it wouldn’t be on sale.

Luckily though for the retailers in question, a big chunk of the population are not bright enough to figure this out.

There is a good LG 49" on amazon if anyone is interested.

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Well it’s apparently screwing me getting home in East London in a reasonable time. at the bus station an announcement said there were severe delays due to black Friday shopping. Bloody consumers.

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Think they may be lying to cover backsides. Evening Standard is reporting how quiet London has been, due to online shopping preferences to avoid last year’s scrums and concerns about the terrorist threat to crowds.

Well, okay. Black Friday has turned out quite handy. Got the missus a very nice Christmas present that I know she wants for cheap. Wahey.

why isn’t there a White Friday shopping day?

It’s political correctness gone mad!

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Has made absolutely no difference to my sales. Same as last year.

I refuse to have Black Friday sales.

I am not American.


Cool, you work in the Asda Audio Video department :laughing:

So that when the (insert PC word for Black people) do actually go looting this evening in the Good old US of A they can say the word Black all over the media with out anybody getting upset.

What non PC word do you prefer for?

I quite like spade

Asda is posh.

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How many sales did you actullay make then ?

Are you the taxman?

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