What did I say about the Golan Heights?

I could also quote and link sources but its churlish.

Oh, go on. Spoil us…

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Its boorish to just quote to try to strengthen your hand, we can all do that.

The facts speak for themselves, the US are in a position of strength now they have shale and have had it for years, Russia, Saudi and Iran are weaker. Geopolitics will change accordingly.

Russia has energy coming out of their ears as does Saudi and Iran - they don’t have to sell it to Uncle Sam. It’s about geopolitical influence- indicators are (from the book I referenced earlier) is US interest in t’middle east may well wane shortly and the attention refocused on the Far East. Israel would be fucked mind you.

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Long term Israel are screwed, they either become a democracy or they face revolution or civil war from within their borders, nevermind the people on their borders and buffer zones.

I have a few questions.

  1. Could you really quote and link sources? I doubt it, for two reasons mainly. First, your attempts in the past and all the silent admin mods I’ve needed to do to unwork your “magic”. Second, I don’t think you’d be comfy linking some of your right wing sources on such a right on site.

  2. Do you know the definition of the word churlish? I’ll confess, it’s something that I have to look up occasionally, but having rechecked, I would not really say anything but the archaic definition fits this situation. I am sure, that from your perspective, that @saint-or-sinner with his big bag of sources and citations is a personal royal pain in the arse, but that is the general standard, guv. Your refusal to read anything presented, and to plough on undiverted makes you difficult to work with. Churlish. I do not think I will forget the definition again.

  3. Given the concerns laid out in both _1) _and 2), do you feel that your statement justifies a lifetime of posting shit without substantation, and will allow you to survive scrutiny in today’s cynical and search engine powered world? :lou_sunglasses:


In response to the OP did you say “They are in Golan and they are high”?

No Barry, yet again you’ve missed the point. The US couldn’t be self sufficient for a single day, let alone the bollocks that they are net exporters. Stop reading fake news.

In this case let’s define “fake news” as claims that official, publicly available statistics show plainly to be false. By that criterion anyone who claims that the United States is a net energy exporter would certainly be guilty of propagating “fake news.”

Some hope?

natural gas plays in shale basins are the only ones with growing production,

Maybe not.

four of the six major shale gas plays are already in steep decline.

You’ve fallen for the salesmans bullshit and as i’ve said, gas is not that important when it comes to keeping the wheels turning(you didn’t look at picture did you?).

More than happy to supply you with as many links as you need. Try Lloyd’s of London, if you’re not interested in the BP or USG ones, some startling info in their reports.

Found anything in them hills yet?

Rob Newman’s a great stand up comedian, he’s also very literate. What he isn’t is a scientist. He wrote a book which tried to debunk Darwin’s theory of evolution and Richard Dawkins “Selfish Gene”

We can finish this now by me asking where the US aquires its energy?

What are blathering on about, I have said fact and one of the reason I don’t copy and paste is its easy, lets stick to facts, shale has changed policy.

And yet you struggle to link videos or open links in a new tab.

So just makes Chinese companies richer.

Who ship to Dubai.

Who ship to Iraq and the 'stans where it just goes across the border quietly

They had sanctions since I came here yet everyone in Iran has computers and tv sets and the army have guns and components for radios and weapons

When I was working In Iran for Shell during sanctions all the control equipment was allegedly under sanctions and was banned from export to Iran because it was Amerian owned company’s as @dubai_phil says it all came in through the back door most of it Via Dubai :lou_lol:. we also had combined Gin and tonic in a can to keep us going.

For the last few years it has got a fair percentage from its own territories, but only because of massive subsidies and all Shale fields are short life(5-7 years mainly) and environmentally devastating.

Take away the foreign imports and the US economy collapses overnight.

in November 2017 (the most recent month for which figures are available) the United States had net imports 329.5 trillion BTUs of energy in all its forms.

Watch those figures start to rise rapidly in the next few years.

Have we finished now?

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Was fully trained by the team from the US Embassy in Abu Dhabi on compliance.

We followed the rules to the letter and were audited and approved internally and by the Embassy Team.

We still had a 60% market share in Iran. Our office team never made a call, never replied to an email, never held a business meeting. Even the local FBI team were happy with u=our processes.

The guys that got hammered were the UK for “grey marketing” because like usual they knew everything and didn’t give a shit.

My son was Proctor & Gamble Technical Marketing Manager for Iran for some years. Yes a US Company, yes they sold there, YES it was legal and abided by sanctions. YES he travelled there regularly. Some great videos of him skateboarding around Tehran with local lads over the years.

As he said, the place was AWASH with Chinese Businessmen and “Traders”

Sanction rules are rigid. Vendors Comply. Obviously at the high end when you talk about NSA level Firewall Tech or supercomputers someone actually follows that all the way to its destination, but everything else?

Is sold compliantly.

For the uninformed, there are multiple types/grades of Crude Oil. (An old North Sea mantra).

Some produce energy or fuel, some are needed to create the high grade plastics without which modern society would collapse as quickly as if they lost energy supplies.

LNG is also a massive GROWTH market here - Qatar’s wealth (and the World Cup) is built on GAS from their Dolphin Field as much as it is Oil. Bahrain has just found the worlds’ secind largest Gas field and about the only growth area in R&D down here is in LNG exploration. #RDPTRO conference - yesterday - Abu Dhabi


Crude Oil Imports into the United States

Below are the top 15 suppliers from which the US imported the highest dollar value worth of crude oil during 2016. Within parenthesis is the percentage change in value for each supplying country since 2012.

  1. Canada: $38.9 billion (down -47.5%)
  2. Saudi Arabia: $16.6 billion (down -70.1%)
  3. Venezuela: $9.8 billion (down -71.8%)
  4. Mexico: $7.8 billion (down -79.3%)
  5. Colombia: $6.5 billion (down -59.4%)
  6. Iraq: $6.2 billion (down -68.2%)
  7. Nigeria: $3.8 billion (down -78.7%)
  8. Ecuador: $3.6 billion (down -49.8%)
  9. Kuwait: $3.3 billion (down -74.5%)
  10. Angola: $2.5 billion (down -73.1%)
  11. Brazil: $2.3 billion (down -69.6%)
  12. Chad: $946.2 million (down -58.7%)
  13. Algeria: $929.6 million (down -83.9%)
  14. Indonesia: $694 million (up 170.4%)
  15. Russia: $685.6 million (down -83.2%)

The listed 15 countries shipped 96.9% of all American crude oil imports in 2016.

Countries that experienced declines in the value of their crude oil supplies to American importers included: Algeria (down -83.9%), Russia (down -83.2%), Mexico (down -79.3%) and Nigeria (down -78.7%).

The sole country that upped the value of its crude oil supplies to American importers was Indonesia via its 170.4% gain.

Overall, the value of American crude oil imports were down by an average -66.4% from all supplying countries since 2016 when crude oil purchases were valued at $322 billion.

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Certainly isn’t a scientist, but that video is correct i believe.

He wrote a book which tried to debunk Darwin’s theory of evolution and Richard Dawkins “Selfish Gene”

Dubunk Darwin. What a silly boy he is.

Selfish Gene, there’s another thread. I’m reading Reg Morrisons “The Spirit in the Gene” at the moment. Reg isn’t a scientist either, but a lot of scientists rate his work very highly.

Grades of crude oil. That skews the figures a bit, doesn’t it?

American exports are mainly from its Shale fields, so “tight oil” which their refineries can’t deal with and it has to be sent where it can be refined(abroad).

That oil is too “light” for many American refineries. Therefore, much of it is shipped abroad to refineries with the capability to refine it.

Gas is a different game, as it doesn’t do the important job of keeping an economy moving. It can save burning oil for non essentials(anything that doesn’t move), but alone could not stop economic collapse.

I notice the US is still importing more gas(141k/114k)and more than double the crude oil(9812k/4082k) when compared to China.

How much oil and/or gas is in the Golan hills? Barry won’t say.

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Plenty of oil in the Golan heights. Recent discoveries have confirmed that the Golan Heights are sitting on serious amounts of hydrocarbon. US company, Genie Energy, along with it’s Israeli subsidary, Afek Oil and Gas, are drilling for what Israel’s Channel 2 headlined as, “an amazing discovery in the Golan Heights”. An “amazing discovery” indeed. One that will surely benefit Israel for years to come, as well as Genie Energy shareholders, Rupert Murdoch, Dick Cheney and Lord Jacob Rothschild. No benefit for Syria and it’s people though. The US backs the UN in it’s polite requests for Israel to comply with international law, while at the same time US companies like Genie Energy, use the occupied land for their own ventures. Sickening hypocrisy.

The most valuable resource in the Golan heights though, is water. The Heights contribute one third of Israel’s entire water supply, which is why they occupied and then annexed it in the first place. And the Golan Heights does more than just fill Israel’s numerous swimming pools, and irrigate their golf courses, It also provides snow for Israel’s only skiing destination, the Mount Hermon Ski Resort. The mountain’s peak reaches more than 9,000 feet above sea level, and is Syria’s highest point - an altitude Syrians no longer get to enjoy. The resort attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists every year, many of them foreigners, all of them conveniently unaware of Israel’s illegal occupation. The irony of supporting Israeli tourism on illegally occupied Syrian soil is completely lost on them. Shame on them i say.

Israel’s oasis in the desert continues to develop at the expense of Syria and the Syrian people. And despite UN and international hand wringing for Israel’s unlawful actions, nothing is ever done about it, which of course encourages Israel to presume it is above the law. Whilst in the grand scheme of things the Golan Heights may seem insignificant, considering Israel’s track record of, literally, getting away with murder, the Heights, the gift that keeps on giving, was never a gift at all. The Golan Heights was and still is Syrian territory.

I fully accept that in the current hysterical climate, pointing out these inconvenient,(for some), truths, makes me an unreconstructed Anti-Semite, worse than Hitler. So be it.