What is everyone doing for Christmas?

oh blimey!

I am at home listening to John Grant. It could be worse.

I am now relaxed for the first time since 0700.

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Ignore all this fucking shit that’s going on. Grab your loved ones and give them a big kiss. Treasure the moment you have. Tomorrow it may all be gone. x


Originally posted by @Goatboy

Happy Kid Goat!

Happier than she was on the canal boat trip :lou_wink_2:

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Wise words :slight_smile:

Mother in Law is fine. She fainted at the dinner table.

V. scary. ECG is all clear.

That certainly livened up the day.

After hammering the Ferrari Jacks and demolishing a bottle of JD and a bottle of Amaretto I probably feel worse than she does today.

Oh well, onto the next one :lou_lol:


The lengths some people will go to to get out of the washing up!

All the best!


Kids can be fucking noisy.



En route to Southampton. At the services.

Back in London. Keep missing you!

Right, that is the family and the neighbours dealt with. Now I can relax and enjoy the company of our nearest and dearest friends for the next week.

So yhen, Christmas Day with some locals. Nice to have lamb instead of turkey for a change. Cooked to perfection. Played charades until their kid went to bed and then played Cards Against Humanity. Good fun apart from being accompanied by Iron Maiden on a giant screen TV. Argh! This was followed by Ricky Gervais outtakes and Gold Globe hosting appearance from YouTube. Double argh!!!

Sat in a bit of peace and quiet as the in laws our out of our hair, for a few hours. They go home tomorrow, but one last night of, fried up veg and potatoes. Cold meat and drinking, along with games. Then family run to the cinema tomorrow.

Then the New Years fun starts, loads of cheesecakes to make, then we are having a murder mystery party on New Year’s Eve. With me cooking a 3 course meal.

Then… back to normal hopefully!

This was me over Christmas…

A MAN has tried to explain the concept of streaming music and TV over the internet to his relatives nine times so far this Christmas.

Nathan Muir has already told his mother’s cousin exactly what Spotify and Netflix are and is now patiently advising his aunt she does not need a satellite dish.

He said: “No, it comes through the internet. Your broadband. In your computer. You don’t watch it on your computer.

“You watch it on the telly, through your phone. Not on your phone. You can if you want – no, I know, the screen’s too small, you said.

“Yeah, there’s just all music there. Just ignore the music you don’t like. You don’t need to put your CDs on it, they’re already on there. Well not your actual CDs.

“Can you pass the gin? Actually I’ll get myself one. In the kitchen.”

Nathan’s uncle, Alan Muir, said: “He says these Netflix shows aren’t on the telly. How do you watch them on the telly then?”

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Tree is down. House back to some semblance of order. The ayatollah is on my case about booze and carbs. Everything is normal in my life again.

Tree and decs are down. We normally take them down on Boxing Day, but with the New Years Eve murder mystery, we thought we would keep them up until afterwards.

Thats that for a little while now. Don’t get me wrong I love Christmas, bug only the few days before and the day, then it can fuck right off and things can get back to normal. Another bank holiday tomorrow… FFS!