What is everyone doing for Christmas?

Currently in the pub.

Will be here til the 2nd.


Been out to pick up turkey and buy some fab cheese. My ever-loving wife and her daughters are off to Chichester shortly, so I shall walk the dog (neither song nor euphemism) and wrap my ever-loving wife’s presents.

Tomorrow will be the four of us here; the girls will go to their father’s place some time late afternoon or early evening and stay overnight. Off to see my parents on Boxing Day. Beyond that not many plans, though I’ll be at the Tottenham game on the 28th and may well be having an evening of drinking with Bletch at some point during the week.


Yeah, I can normally only cope with 2 too.



Happy Kid Goat!


Merry Christmas fellow Sotonians!


I’ve already walked into a little wet present the dog left on the landing.

Merry Christmas!


Over to the pub at 12. Down to neighbours at 3 for lunch, more booze and silly games. Hopefully will be sober enough to drive to Hassocks to pick up my kids tomorrow morning and then have three days with them before dropping them back again and hopefully a quite day Thursday before it starts again on Friday.

Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year to all of my fellow Sotonians! :lou_sunglasses:


I think I may have done one better. I’ve been cleaning the dirty man cave with the aid of my fantastic tablet holder and the old stereo (AUX in is literally the only thing it does).

As I’m clearing the room, I keep on noticing this dungy smell. I put it down to the vermin prob we had last year and thank fuck that it’s now resolved. I later discover what it is. It’s cat shit, in cowpat form, and I’ve probably sat on it. The Rudolph get up is indelibly stained, but there’s no point putting anything else on while I’m still cleaning.

Getting brother in law more pissed than me.

This is not easy given my Irish-aboriginal intolerance to alcohol.

Still I gave him the 8%Aspalls while I had the 7%, so I’m ahead of the game.

He’s just countered with the sloe gin. Bastard. I’ll be bolloxed before he even twists the top off the…


Happy birthday

Originally posted by @areloa-grandee

Happy birthday

does Jesus post on here?

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Oh dear, cat shit is super pokey. Dad’s just walked through a belated present in dinning room. Think she’s getting a bit old.

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After having been Santa and then cooking 3 courses and then doing the washing up after champagne, a Cloudy Bay and a 2005 Margaux and Nice dessert wine… I now have a date with an 18 year old :slight_smile:


Are you sure you did not just wipe the wrong way and smear your bollocks again?

Have just recently woken from a hobgoblin/food induced coma. Pleased to report plenty of roast potatoes/sausages/ale left in the fridge, time for round 2, ding ding :lou_lol:

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Gready bastards at mine ate the lot… left with beer and crisps… my nemesis :lou_surprised:

Originally posted by @Goatboy

Happy Kid Goat!

Looks like yours is going to give you as much troubleas mine… (aged 12 going on 17… :lou_surprised:)



I was defeated by a Christmas lunch. I’ve not managed to eat much since… Some toast is and nuts. I have managed to demolish a good portion of a cheap whiskey, I’m not s showy man. I’ve been prepping some ingredients for tomorrow.

ok. I wouldnt say that that was the most relaxing christmas day.

I had to phone 999 at around half 3.

I have now re-christened the hemingway daiquiri the flatliner.

The mother in law is recovering.

The nhs staff working on christmas day are fucking diamonds.

count your blessings sotonians. x