What makes Great Britain 'Great'

The pinkos, extreme left and haters of this Nation have allowed radicalisation by fear of being called what they actually are a fascist, we haven’t tackled extremism for fear for being labelled what we are actually fighting, others have obviously taken advantage of this.
Look at Rotherham for example, this can never be used as an example as you are immediately brandished a fascist and yet again when you mention homophobia and racism with in minorities.
These issues need to be tackled without fear, arranged marriages, homophobia, dowry, equal rights, honour killings, fgm , witchcraft and many other issues.

You don’t have to be extreme to want that failed experiment, long standing right winger Blair loved us all being fucked up and hating each other (whilst he was in the rich white part of Islington).

You I take it have never been to Oldham, Rochdale, Preston, Dewsbury and parts of Leeds?

Dude, I lived in Leeds for nearly 5 years.

I’m also from Harrow.

Originally posted by @Barry-Sanchez

The pinkos, extreme left and haters of this Nation have allowed radicalisation by fear of being called what they actually are a fascist, we haven’t tackled extremism for fear for being labelled what we are actually fighting, others have obviously taken advantage of this. Look at Rotherham for example, this can never be used as an example as you are immediately brandished a fascist and yet again when you mention homophobia and racism with in minorities. These issues need to be tackled without fear, arranged marriages, homophobia, dowry, equal rights, honour killings, fgm , witchcraft and many other issues.

You’re on thin ice with Rotherham. It was cowardice on behalf of those that were supposed to bring prosecutions. Lancashire Police brought numerous prosecutions of a similar nature (over 200) to court without fear of being labelled racist.

Harrow? What does Harrow have to do with anything?

What part of Leeds ?

Things kike this bullshit get peoples backs up, what ruling allowed such shite? A liberal agenda no doubt,

My point was this was allowed to go on for so long as people didn’t want to upset cultural sensibilities, in other words they would rather the law was broken than be labelled a racist.

Originally posted by @Barry-Sanchez

Harrow? What does Harrow have to do with anything? What part of Leeds ?

Because, like many of the areas you mentioned has a very sizable muslim community. If that isn’t what you were driving at, apologies, disregard that.

Lived in various parts of Leeds. Though I’m sure the ones I did live in won’t suit what you want to tell me. Out of curiousity, have you ever lived there? I’m sure you will know it far better than me if not.

Originally posted by @Barry-Sanchez

My point was this was allowed to go on for so long as people didn’t want to upset cultural sensibilities, in other words they would rather the law was broken than be labelled a racist.

Yes, I understand that was the excuse they made.

The reality is they were cowards.

Anyways, this has gotten far too serious.

I like:-

Sense of humour

As virtues of the Brits. The latter used to scare the shit out of the Germans. They could never understand how we’d still be laughing after being bombarded, etc.

You gotta laugh :slight_smile:

Oh I see, you lived there but not a multicultural hotspot? I know Leeds ok but have never lived there, I used to have to do the M62 towns quite a bit, the liberal elite (regardless of party) have forgotten them and are ashamed of them, an area can be multicultural and yet still have an invisible wall, my mate is from Oldham and I have been there quite a lot, his road is divided, the top and bottom do not and never mix., parallel lives.

Great shame and our lack of courage and desire for a dream is to blame,. Nation state above a religion but we can’t allow that can we? That would mean the state has all the power, this has been festering for 20 odd years and the elite only have themselves to blame (and naïve persons).

I’ve no idea what’s going on here. Is Bazza slowly morphing back into Stanley/Dune?

The question is why were they cowards?

Why did a system allow people who were supposed to be protecting vulnerable people let abusers of them continue as they didn’t want to upset community leaders?

This is our fault that we have ruined those children’s lives, they needed our help and we cast them out for pedophile’s and abusers and people who use this are solely out to make a political point or take advantage of the situation, even the leftist extremists try to shut that down.

No Barry, that’s not what I said. But you are proving my point. This is why I said I don’t have any inclination to argue with you. It’s pointless. Forever shifting goal posts, and presenting opinion as fact. Or just plain ignoring fact.

The areas I lived in were plenty multicultural, but I have been through this enough times to know you’ll immediately dismiss them or change track. So, what is the point really? (FWIW, I lived in Hyde Park & Woodhouse, both pretty multicultural areas just outside the city centre)

I was taking the piss to start with. This “pc is out of control” act is bollocks. “People wanting to be offended by everything” is just a cover for reactionaries to get outraged at trumped up or non-existant things.

Anyway, pap is right. This is all getting a bit serious for this thread. By all means Senōr Sanchez, go back to shouting at lamposts.

Ahr Bazza, brandishing ‘multiculturalism’ as if it were a deadly weapon… striking fear into our weak and feeble pink hearts… what you must recognise dear boy, is that the idea or ideal of a multicultural society is not the problem. It’s those that spread ignorance that multiculturalism is to blame for the ills of local communities… ills of poverty, disaffection, and lack of hope in some communities, did not begin with Blair’s or other pinko visions, but with the grim dismantling of whole industries under Grot Bag herself - the Wicked Witch of the West. Further radiculisation is a more recent tragic trend as the geo-political climate creates rich and fertile ground for monsters to recruit a confused and disenfranchised youth…

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What in fuck’s name is going on? I posted a link to some funny tweets and this has happened.


How can multiculturalism work when each group define themselves by their respective groups/races. religions? If they defined themselves by Nationality and no religion was in it I could understand, we had the split of church and state but others haven’t caught up with this brilliant piece of free thinking.

We should not be bound by a book but people are and that’s why it can not work.

Ban religion and I think multiculturalism will work, that’s doesn’t mean to say I advocate that merely that’s the only we’ll integrate.

Cheese and onion sandwiches.


Originally posted by @Barry-Sanchez

Originally posted by @areloa-grandee

Ahr Bazza, brandishing ‘multiculturalism’ as if it were a deadly weapon… striking fear into our weak and feeble pink hearts… what you must recognise dear boy, is that the idea or ideal of a multicultural society is not the problem. It’s those that spread ignorance that multiculturalism is to blame for the ills of local communities… ills of poverty, disaffection, and lack of hope in some communities, did not begin with Blair’s or other pinko visions, but with the grim dismantling of whole industries under Grot Bag herself - the Wicked Witch of the West. Further radiculisation is a more recent tragic trend as the geo-political climate creates rich and fertile ground for monsters to recruit a confused and disenfranchised youth…

How can multiculturalism work when each group define themselves by their respective groups/races. religions? If they defined themselves by Nationality and no religion was in it I could understand, we had the split of church and state but others haven’t caught up with this brilliant piece of free thinking. We should not be bound by a book but people are and that’s why it can not work. Ban religion and I think multiculturalism will work, that’s doesn’t mean to say I advocate that merely that’s the only we’ll integra

Baz, culture is more than religion… And you need to be careful to differentiate. Even as a fully committed atheist who considers those with religious faith somewhat unhinged, i can’t attribute the relatively recent radicalisation to simple religious cultural differences - after all we have lived with, fought with with, fucked with and even lived in a civil way with (at times) since the idiotic doctrines were first established - living in a diverse community historically has helped educate, understand and overcome the ignorance responsible or racism, and other prejudices. It has led to the evolution of culture if anything as we adopt rich elements that enhance our society from food, art, music, science etc.

As mentioned before, the radicalisation is made possible because of those still evil enough to blame the differences between people for the ills of those communities… Communities that are negatively impacted on by government or ego-political issues.

CIA and the Taliban were allies of sorts against the Russians in the 80s FFs possibly one of the best examples of the futility of this shit and how ultimately religion is merely the banner under which those looking for political influence recruit under…

Gravy, helmets that look like tits, real ale, blackberry picking, nan’s that suck their hanky and wipe your face, English, History, mauling English, disregarding History, cricket, darts, constant sarcasm, self ridicule, gurning, scones with butter, jam and clotted cream, deckchairs, grinding to a halt with an inch of snow, poppies, daffodils, bluebells, swans, bacon sandwiches, malt vinegar on chips…