Why are men so

Originally posted by @steveintheforest

Toilet humour is shit !

Are you taking the piss Steve?



Originally posted by @Coxford_lou

Originally posted by @Rallyboy

You’re alright Lou, you don’t have to share toilets with them.

There’s nothing quite as scary as listening to a fat bloke having a dramatic shit in the next cubicle at a motorway services - it’s a rare thing that attacks both hearing and smell at the same time. :astonished:

Oh god. Women very rarely do this.

Not when they think no one can hear them Lou. It’s just that women have manners.

There is nothing more surreal at football, when all the urinals and cubicals are full, and you have a group of lads just pissing in the sinks. It seems like this is quite normal behavour and everyone just goes along with it!

That is a good point, though Glastonbury doesn’t count, as everyone just goes a bit wild. :lou_lol:

I don’t think this thread is for me…

Originally posted by @saintbletch

Germaine Greer has also got a lot to answer for with all that nonsense about women enjoying sex and what not.

No woman has ever enjoyed sex with me, I can tell you!

I’ll be the judge of that, Bletch!

1 Like

You could have won a Turner Prize for that!

Some men have these little obsessions about toilet habits and just need to get it out of their cisterns.


Voting that down for being one of the worst toilet jokes I’ve ever seen.

That’s like sending someone off for not smiling enough in the pre-match photo.


Originally posted by @Coxford_lou

Originally posted by @saintbletch

Germaine Greer has also got a lot to answer for with all that nonsense about women enjoying sex and what not.

No woman has ever enjoyed sex with me, I can tell you!

I’ll be the judge of that, Bletch!

Yeah, but that doesn’t count. I was on form that night.


It was very cute! I’ve never seen something so small! :lou_is_a_flirt:


Hi Coxford_Lou, is this your way of announcing to the forum that there is (finally) a new man in your life, if so congratulations!!!

It does rather sound like someone got a chili dog last night

Originally posted by @Goatboy

Originally posted by @areloa-grandee

Anal retentives says Mr Freud. Which considering such forum are littered with the immature this is hardly surprising. Will the Papsworldarseshite elite stop talking shite? Will they learn how to forward wipe? These are the great enigmas and questions of the modern age…

I am merely here as the Desmond Morris for the forum age… To observe and document the slow reverse evolution and dumbing down of fellow man… A rich seem to be had here.


Naturally Goats are remarkably intelligent and were the first to pass this subtle test. I may call upon the goat in teh future to provide corrective measures

Originally posted by @Intiniki

Er they do, festival toilets and often in the toilets at work plus station toilets, there are some pretty unpleasant deposits / smells and not flusing. Though I heard that in the men’s loos there was snot smeared on the wall above the urinals.

God damn…this bugs me. Every time I go in the toilet at work some cretin has wiped the contents of their nose on the wall displaying it like some grotesque trophy from their most recent mining expedition.

Having said that, place I worked at a few years ago had an incident in the ladies toilet. Some resourceful “lady” had left a deposit behind the door so it smeared over the floor when the next poor bastard went in. The sheer logistics of it boggles the mind.

I done a brown plop.


I was eating mini eggs last night, while I was watching TV. I like mini eggs. They are my Favourite. I am in Hotel. When I woke up this morning, the surplus mini eggs have rolled around, and I and my bedsheets was entirely covered in melted chocolate. I removed the bigger lumps, and put them in toilet, but they refused to flush.

When cleaner goes to my room this morning, she is going to find unflushable winnets encrusted with coloured flakes in toilet, and bed sheets covered in brown chocolate stains & puddles. Even I have to admit, it entirely look like I’ve had a v.serious gastric accident. This is how rumours start srs.

Ugh, I hate these sexist threads… so 20th century.

I wasn’t aware we we’re dating, swdp, but I guess I can’t get picky these days!!!