❓🤷‍♀️ How did this become a thing?

I’ve dabbled in a lot of weird stuff, don’t get me started on coccyx manipulation :lou_wink_2:

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:point_right: + :ok_hand: = :confounded:




Sea Shanties
Wtf is going on?

Who is responsible?
Can we force Baz to listen 24/7 to show what it’s like looking at nonsense?

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But the short one is Baz :wink:

Edit: not really

But quite a catchy tune really

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I read the thread.
That video is a photo of 4 lads standing with their luggage at Dubai Int Airport!

It’s genius Photoshopping

Can we send Baz on a research mission to Tik Tok to keep us informed?

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One of the lads is from Coventry.
Used to play 5 a side with one of our Dxb Krew.
They’ve been memed for over a year now, they HATE it, caused SO much grief!


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One of my team at work was the son of an International star of the Sea Shanty community…the late Stan Hugill https://youtu.be/yxFF40xPV7E
His sons still work the folk scene.

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Jeez, someone needs to tell them that tight trousers on blokes were shite in the 80s, let alone now…

More to the point, what are these lads doing after the sea shanty?

  • Violent hate crime
  • Applying for The Avengers
  • “Moroids”
  • More sexual partners in a night than most Sotonians get in a couple of decades
  • Stripping to the waists and spraying each other with water.

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Why is so much of the yoot built like brick shithouses?

The real question is why are they clearly wearing clothes stolen from smaller people?


Perhaps they are smaller people and someone made them angry, Incredible Hulk style.

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I like your thinking there

Their original snap was a year ago.
Someone nicked it meme 'd it they thought it was annoying
Then it exploded with BLM Cancel culture & became the go-to meme for thick white lads.
3 hate it 4th is a Tatooist now making a fortune as he is famous in Coventry!

For riding a horse naked?



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Well thank fuck they had subtitles. :lou_facepalm_2:

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